Chapter Six

Jamal has never been proud, excited, and happy in his entire life until this day. He had money. He was a rich heir. Everything was under his control. He started seeing himself in a new light and by the street transparent glass, he admired how handsome he was.

His sharp ocean-blue eyes sparkled and his face was smooth and admirable. He had a brown trendsetter hair. It was now he realized how handsome he was. Maybe Mia was right, with money every man is hand-some.

He confidently walked into the most expensive mall in the street with gallant strides and walked over to the racks of things that caught his attention. Who would have thought that a time would come when he got to visit it?

The attendants were busy with other rich-looking customers and even when some of them saw him, no one agreed to follow him because of how he looked. His outfit was stale, patchily sown, and outdated. He decided to do the shopping himself and make payment.

He picked a white can from the rack and smiled.

“The exact size.” He smiled brightly when he thought of how beautiful it would look on his girlfriend’s legs. Since he couldn’t afford an expensive gift on her birthday, this was an extra gift for compensation. He couldn’t wait to see her and announce the big news to her.

“Check this out for me.” He informed the cashier, placing the white can (shoe) on the counter.

The cashier briefly looked at the product he had picked and narrowed her eyes to him, she rolled her eyes on him from his head to his toes before a smirk escaped from her.

“That’s a DR fashion brand, you know that right?” The cashier began. “I doubt if you checked the price before picking it up. It’s only made in two pairs and the last in the world. The popular public figure, Selena Gomez purchased the first one last night.” The cashier explained to him with a tone filled with mockery.

“I know and I don’t care. I want to buy it.” He swallowed hard, trying to control his anger.

“That’s 900 thousand dollars.” The cashier sounded mean, intentionally aiming at pissing him off. “Are you paying with cash or a card?” She raised a mocking brow and he smirked.

“Cash.” The cashier was left in awe when he made full payment, her lips trembled and she didn’t know if she should apologize for her rudeness or ask him how he got the money.

“You can fall in love at first sight but don’t judge a person at one look.” He said firmly and left the mall with his product.

All that was happening wasn’t his business, he was more concerned about surprising his girlfriend with the limited edition white can he had gotten for her.

Jamal arrived at his girlfriend’s residence and was allowed to use the elevator because he had been seen with her frequently. He got to her apartment and found her door open, while wondering why she left it that way, he stepped in and was welcomed by the mess of a living room.

“Lazy girl.” Her clothes were everywhere, shoes, bras, pants, and other clothes. He helped her tidy with the hopes that she was bathing or outside for an emergency.

Suddenly, moans and soft voices came through her bedroom door, Jamal’s heart skipped, cold sweat formed on his forehead and a sharp shiver ran up his spine. Inwardly, he prayed it wasn’t what he was thinking as he pushed the door open only to be welcomed by an unpleasant sight, his woman, his girlfriend was having hot steamy sex with the college-famous soccer player, Samson.

His jaw dropped, and the gift he had gotten for her fell from his hand.

“Mia?” His eyes were filled with terror. “How dare you cheat on me!” He yelled in anger still in disbelief that his favorite girl would never betray him for another man, but she didn’t flinch from her position.

Rather, she lay comfortably on Samson’s chest.

“What can you do?” Her shaking voice was pervading sarcasm and mockery.

“How could you, Mia? I loved you. Is there anything you want that I haven't given to you?” He questioned in anger. In front of him, they quickly changed into something pleasant.

“What have you given to me other than shame and failure? Do you think dating you is my wish? How dare you sprout that nonsense?” She rambled in disgust, staring at him with annoyance permeating in her sharp devilish-looking eyes. “It’s not like you have any wealth, properties, or money of your own. You are too poor for my liking!” She screamed at his face heartlessly.

“You can’t say that to me. Have you forgotten how I cleared your family debt or how I rented this apartment for you? What about the money I gave you for the exclusive dress you wanted?” He raised a brow at her, looking shocked as his girlfriend he had been dating for two years was slowly showing him her true colors.

“The ones you solved by borrowing loans or what? Quit it already, my benefits are greater than yours.” She rolled her eyes at him, irritated. “Managing you alone is a big sacrifice on my end!” She yelled at his face, and his chin tightened.

He advanced to Samson, trying to avert his anger on him.

“I think I’m done here. Dating you was only a dare challenge I accepted from my cliques.” Her statement left him helpless, he faced her with his eyes filled with hurt.

“What?” The word escaped from his mouth absentmindedly.

“Yes, and at this rate. I’m done with you. It is over between us.” She informed him coldly and stormed out of her apartment.

“It can’t be over, Mia. No.” He attempted to follow her but Samson stopped him, giving him a hard punch on his face.

“The dare is over, get lost.” Samson spat on his face.

“What?” He has never been so embarrassed in his life. All two years of being in a love relationship were fake? It was nothing but a truth-or-dare game.

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