Chapter Seven

“By withdrawing the compensation fund, it proves that you have agreed to take up responsibility,” Dennis informed him courteously.

The driver stood outside while Jamal and Dennis discussed inside the black-tinted SUV's latest model car.

“I wanted to check if all that is happening is real, no doubt it wasn’t a dream.” He curled his lips.

“But I still don’t get that I’m from a rich family. Do I have any more hidden family members?” His voice was filled with sarcasm which made Dennis chuckle.

“Not really but yes. Your late father got married to three wives and each of them had two sons excluding your late mother, and I must say your family is quite critical. As time goes on, I will explain everything to you.” Dennis explained abruptly. “Be rest assured, Old Jack left you under my care and I won’t bring any hurt to you,” Dennis added.

“I’m not afraid of hurt. I’m just confused, honestly. All these are too much to take in.” He sighed heavily.

After a brief silence, Dennis brought out a golden bank card from a black purse. He handed it to Jamal.

“What’s this?” He asked slyly, giving the card a close look and when he realized what he was holding, his jaw dropped. The card was made with real gold. “Real golden card?” He exclaimed in shock.

“That’s your grandfather's inheritance to you. It proves that you are the honorable legitimate heir.” Dennis informed him.

“But, there’s a little problem.” He frowned a little. Jamal explained to him how he wanted to finish his education before he faced real-life responsibility. He only had a month left before he would graduate and Dennis agreed with his terms and promised to keep his identity a secret until he returned.

“Hello?” He picked up the call immediately. It was a security man in his college who he was a little bit close to.

“Where are you? You better hide!” The security guy urged him over the phone.

“What’s going on? Why?” He looked troubled and curious.

“A poster that has your face has been posted all over the school campus and you’ve been labeled as a thief. The lady told everyone to beware of you since you steal things wherever you go. The school is on fire.” The security guy announced to him impatiently and even before he could speak or ask more questions, the call disconnected.

He was a few blocks away from the school and he felt running away would only prove to everyone that he was truly a thief.

The students on the campus were awed and shocked as they saw Jamal riding on an old bicycle, they couldn’t help but laugh at him and mock him because the school had expensive cars and airplanes rather than bicycles.

“Who the hell did this? Who is ruining my reputation?” He screamed in the entire hallway when he saw the poster and his face on it, students were gathered at each unit, reading the poster and laughing at him.

“I did it and do you have anything to say?” The same girl he had a misunderstanding with at the restaurant showed up. Audrey smiled, leaning on her brother’s shoulder.

“I thought we had discussed this.” He asked her seriously.

“Yes, but I have to inform them in case their belongings get missing.” Audrey scoffed and her brother laughed.

Jamal got furious and started ripping off the posters that he could get a hold of, soon Audrey’s brother stopped in.

“Why? Can’t you accept the truth that you were born a thief?” Audrey’s brother’s lips curled in disgust. “The free scholarship is no longer enough for you and now you earn a living through stealing from rich people.” Audrey’s brother continued, and Jamal couldn’t control himself anymore therefore he punched Audrey’s brother in the face and everyone gasped in shock.

He has never been so courageous before neither has he shown them this side of him. It was only a second after someone had reported that the dean came and took them to his office.

“How dare you scold my son and bring him into your office?” Audrey’s uncle arrived and started ranting as he entered the dean’s office. “Do you want this school to shut down and stop operation?” Her uncle threatened in anger.

“I’m sorry sir. I wouldn’t have done this but your son was caught fighting.” The dean said cautiously, trying not to offend the rich man.

“Fighting? Are you so stupid to grade my son with this low-class student?” He flicked his hand at Jamal, looking irritated. “My son’s crime can be covered up, is there any problem with that?” The man raised a brow and the dean shook his head.

“My apologies, sir.” Jamal’s eyes widened at the actions happening before him, it was obvious that the dean had no authority over Audrey’s uncle.

“Dad, I won’t let this rascal go scout-free else I would be a shame in this school.” Audrey’s brother continued. “He punched me and I want him kicked out of this school.” Audrey’s brother requested curtly.

“What? It hasn’t gotten to that.” Jamal refused strongly.

“If my son wants anything, I want it done immediately.” The man faced the dean again. “I want this dummy poor rat out of this school else I would do something dreadful to him and make sure you lose your job as the dean.” The man threatened him arrogantly.

“I will kick him out, sir.” The dean quickly agreed to save his head, and Jamal gasped in shock.

“You have no right to kick this boy out of college.” Someone said, before walking into the dean’s office. Everyone turned back and it was Audrey’s father. She was confused as to why her father was taking sides with a poor miserable boy.

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