Chapter Nine

Shallowed in anger, distrust, and disappointment, he yelled the middle-aged man’s name disrespectfully: “Dennis! Dennis!”

He screamed as he stormed into the mansion, the guards tried to hold him back but somehow he fought his way through.

“What are you - -?” Dennis couldn’t hold him and he fully entered the living room. He paused at a spot, breathing heavily as he stared at the cold-looking people seated on the armchairs with confusion lingering in his eyes.

“Mr. Jamal, why are you here?” Dennis broke the long silence nervously.

“Here comes the famous thief in town.” An aged woman laughed, clapping her hands.

“I never knew Dad gave birth to a few more rats.” A young man almost the same age as him scoffed in mockery.

Jamal looked at them as fury boiled in his eyes, he was desperate to punch them in their faces but had no power to do that.

Dennis grabbed his shoulder. “Why did you come here?” Dennis whispered, his eyes were filled with guilt.

“Why wouldn’t I come when you have decided to toy with me!” He was annoyed and pissed.

“Oh? I never knew poor people have voices.” Another young man said and his brother joined him in his laughter.

Madam Felicia was the second wife of Jamal’s father and with her were her two sons, James and Martins. They were cruel and monopolistic especially since Old Jack kicked the bucket. Currently, they were the boss of the Jackie-Ville Empire and it was hard to get through them.

“Why did you give me a fake cheque?” He made a comeback, staring at Dennis whose eyes became restless.

“You see - -” Dennis couldn’t explain himself before he was curtly interrupted.

“So, the first thing you did after getting a cheque was to withdraw the money, huh? I never knew poor people like you were desperate to become rich.” Madam Felicia batted her lashes with an arrogant voice.

“I don’t care at least you would have given me the cheque or kept it to yourself. Do I have to embarrass myself everywhere I go?” He summoned the courage to speak out for the first time, as his fist clenched.

“Who would have thought a snitch like you knew shame?” Madam Felicia laughed. “I knew how your stupid mother seduced my husband and laid with him. You all are the same!” Madam Felicia barked and he walked forward, his chin tightened and Dennis tried to hold him back.

“I won’t let you talk down on my late mother!” He gritted his teeth.

“Else, what can you do?” James laughed. “Be grateful you already enjoyed the compensation fee. You would never attain anything from us again.” James informed him in mockery. His brother laughed.

“That’s not possible.” He retorted seriously and their eyes widened in surprise. He was brazen. “Since I’m his son, at least I should have some benefits. Especially now since I need more money to clear my final year bills.” He explained to them abruptly and they burst into laughter. Dennis stood aside, unable to mix himself in their argument.

“What else can a poor man do other than wasting the money raised by the rich? Can you do anything rather than lavish our money?” Madam Felicia lashed at him. “You are useless and nothing but a failure and I’m sorry, we can’t accept you into our family.” She rebuked curtly.

“I’m father’s son! I’m Mr. Dashiell’s first son!” He was suddenly engulfed by unknown courage and Martins sprang up from the armchair.

“Then, prove it!” Martins yelled in his face.

“We don’t want words, prove to us that you are part of this family!” James defended his brother.

“At least I have a golden bank card, only the real heir has that.” He said courageously and they laughed at him.

“We all do. All Jackie-Ville members have it.” Madam Felicia laughed heartily as she flashed her golden bank card at him, he was taken aback and shame caught up with him as he faced Dennis.

Dennis was guilty, he knew what he did and would explain but now wasn’t the right time, he lowered his head.

He swallowed hard on nothing before looking at his stepmother, Madam Felicia. “How do you want me to prove to you?” He asked, raising an anxious brow.

“Now you're talking.” A mischievous smile rested on her lips as she exchanged knowing glares with her children.

“Since you claim to be the heir, speak to Mr. Alcantara and make him choose your late father’s company first and sponsor our new project.” Madam Felicia stated and her sons nodded approvingly.

They only wanted him to go there and get disgraced again because Mr. Alcantara was a ruthless and mannerless man even though he was among the richest men in the city, he would never speak with him, not excluding the fact that Jamal knew nothing about the company.

“That - -” He stuttered.

“Mum, how can you tell a poor rag to do something like that? Being on scholarship doesn’t mean he knew anything, he was accepted by pity. He doesn’t know anything about technology.” Martins's tone was filled with sarcasm and mockery as he pretended to be dissuading his mother.

“Can you still prove yourself or not?” Madam Felicia fired at him. “If not, leave here this instant, I’m already getting irritated by your presence.” She rolled her eyes away from him.

“I will do it.” He began and they looked at him in bewilderment. “I will meet Mr. Alcantara.” He added confidently.

"If you fail, you will never be allowed to partake in anything in the Jackie-Ville family. Not even cash compensation or minor benefits." She raised a brow, staring at him.

He closed his eyes briefly. "I accept." He said firmly.

Behind him, Dennis nodded his head. He was impressed by Jamal’s action.

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