Chapter Thirty-Two

“Are you crazy?” A thin loud feminine voice could be heard in the entire receptionist, it was Mia.

She shot the janitor a dirty look as she slyly brushed off the stain on her skirt.

“At least look where you are going!” She yelled at the woman’s face.

“I’m so sorry miss. The truck is too heavy to be controlled by an old lady like me. I’m sorry.” The old-looking woman with grey hair and shrieked skin apologized, handing Mia a dirty-looking rag.

“Take this off me! How can I use something as dirty as that to clean my expensive outfit!” She yelled at the woman curtly. “If the truck is too heavy for you, then stop working rather than ruining people's lives here.” She added, sighing heavily.

“But I already apologized ma’am.” The woman reminded her.

“Can apology dust off my stained skirt?” She rolled her eyes in heavy disgust. “Please, while I’m still cool, get lost!” She cried out angrily, the woman nodded and gave her a long look before leaving with the cleaning truck.

“Annoying people ever
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