
"You didn't want to get involved?"

Albert asked just to confirm what Ian had just said one more time. He was having a hard time believing it.

"To the point where you'd even make her swear on her mana?"

Ian nodded his head in response. It was the truth. He had some pretty drastic change in his thoughts and attitude after coming to this world. The version of him that handled Anna was closer to Noah than Ian.

"Yet you did all that behind his back to help him out?"

Albert had a crazy expression on his face for a second before it went back to normal again. He looked at Ian like he was looking at the craziest person in the world.

"I told you.. I just wanted to help the world.. Not him in particular."

Ian mumbled. The only reason he wanted to help Arthur out in the beginning was so he could live a peaceful life in this world. But a war capable of destroying the earth wasn't going to be of much help in that case.

"Young master.. Do you hate me?"


But the conclusion that Arthur came t
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