Ian's new Journey
Ian was acting different.

The same thought was going through almost everyone's mind as they sat inside Prince Albert's bedroom and analyzed his behaviours.

Except the newly added members of their group, Ria and Rick's party, everyone else could feel it. It was a gut feeling at first, but then soon, they could even point out the little differences.

First of all, him waking up during lunchtime whereas he'd normally be the first person to wake up and wake the others up as well.

It looked like he had only woken up cause he was hungry. His bedhair which was normally a rare sight to see were poking out of every corner of his head and he looked like he had no intention of fixing it anytime soon.

"Slow down.. You'll choke.."

Albert said as he looked at Ian with a strange expression. Even he looked like he had noticed Ian's weird behaviours.

Take what's happening right now for example, Ian was practically devouring his food like a starved barbarian. He almost looked like he was for
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