In need of help!

'Why is your soul in such a unsteady state? You okay?'

The Phoenix asked as it felt the tremor in Ian's soul. He was worried since Ian was blocking him from reading his mind so he didn't know what Ian was thinking.

It wasn't exactly Ian's doing either. Whenever he thought about the novel, an invisible barrier would appear automatically over his thoughts and block everyone out.

Ian assumed that it probably had something to do with the change in dimensions and didn't pry further. But at times like these, he'd feel a stronger connection to Noah than Ian, the person he was compared to the one he is now.

'I'm fine. Just a little overwhelmed I guess?'

Ian wondered to himself as he answered the Phoenix. After Ian was done serving food for Arthur, that guy started helping Ian serve food to everyone using his wind. Everything was over in a second before Ian even realized what was happening.


Ian plopped down near the kids since he had nothing more to do and started eating his dinn
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