It's not easy!

"Those eyes.."

Everyone looked at Ian with fascination and curiosity as he revealed those golden and majestic eyes. They were reptilian, and had a certain charm to them.

An aura of dominance spread from Ian's body, which was being controlled by the Phoenix right now. He wasn't actively trying to dominate anyone actually, it was just his natural aura, the aura of a ruler.

Everyone straightened up subconsciously as they felt that aura surrounding them. And suddenly, Ian no longer felt like Ian anymore.

Ash and Louis took a step back and observed quietly, giving Ian space to do what he wanted to. Even Rick and the Queen took a step back as their eyes met with Ian's. It was reflex.

"I'll start now."

He said, even his tone slightly different from Ian. A blue flame similar to what Ian had shown them before appeared in his hand which was holding the previous King's hand.

The flame, or rather, healing spell, coursed through the King's veins, starting from the hand and covered all of his b
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