A Tough Bargain!

'Not lie.. But also not worry them?'

The Phoenix repeated Ian's words and asked back. Ian nodded his head and asked back.

'Yep. Should be easy, right?'

The Phoenix repeated Ian's words in his mind for a few seconds, a vein was popping out on his forehead as he kept thinking and thinking. And at the end of his thought process, he decided that-

'Like hell it is!'

It wasn't easy.

He decided that it wasn't easy at all. All of Ian's people's were extremely knowledgeable, not just comparing to kids their age, but also compared to adults.

Ian was always filling their head with new knowledge and information, even while playing around. And even without that, they all had a certain hunger for knowledge which he noticed clearly specially in Ash.

The way that kid always holed himself up inside Ian's bedroom and kept reading one book after another looked like his life depended on it or something.

And they also grew. Faster than anyone and everyone around them. It was fascinating to watch. And
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