The Future of the Tribe

"We can show you around."

"I know a very good shop where you can buy souvenirs from."

Hearing how Ian wanted to look around the town by himself, Richard and Amber offered various ways how they could be of help. Ian didn't want to bother the kids and let them have their own free time.

But a part of him also felt a little lonely thinking how he had to go play by himself. It didn't seem too fun. That's exactly when their offers to be tour guide came.

"But don't you have to guard Rick?"

They were Royal guards, Rick's exclusive one's at that. Ian wondered how they could leave their post so carelessly.

'Is it even okay for me to take them?'

The question popped up in his mind naturally. But unlike what he was worried about, the two of them had a confident smile in their faces as they looked at Ian.

"It's fine now."

"This palace right now is the safest place on earth for him."

They looked at Ian with a meaningful gaze and as Ian began to wonder what they meant, someone's strong presence and g
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