The Lost Puppy


"We're here."

Louis welcomed Ash and Ian into the village while the elders and the chief remained stunned still.

"Great! You're back!"

Erza approached them trying to ease out the air and also to retrieve the staff that Ian was holding in his left hand like a stick.

"Miss Erza.. You guys have made quite the preparation I see."

Ash commented as he looked around. It was pretty impressive considering the short time they had in hand.

"Thanks. By now, we're used to sudden attacks."

She said as she smiled. Life on the desert was tough. It was tougher than anything the people living in cities could imagine. The heat, the food shortage, limited supply of water were the least of their worries.

The monster attacks that happened at least once a month, the drought, the storm, there was nothing that they didn't have to deal with.

"I see.. Oh, your father's staff.. He must've been feeling anxious without it, right? I apologize once again."

Ash said as he glanced at Ian who was standing to
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