The Puppy's Master

"Young master.."

Arthur called out to Ian with all the affection a person could hold in their voice.

Although he had a noble title now, and even though all of his achievements made it so he didn't need to bow to no one, he still lowered his head without a second thought in front of Ian.

Without a doubt, Ian was his master. And this was a fact that Arthur accepted with all his mind and body. No one could convince him otherwise, not even his friends or subordinates.

"Umm.. Mister Louis.. Is this person..?"

Erza couldn't help but ask as she saw Arthur's changed demeanor in front of Ian. Even at a glance, one could tell that Arthur was someone of power and authority, someone important, someone who mattered.

No matter how oblivious the people of the desert were, this was something that was obvious to even them. Yet, the way he presented himself in front of Ian shocked them all. It didn't look natural.

"That guy.. He's someone we know.. "


The two of them looked unwilling to gi
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