Tell them to get away!

Chapter 8

Yvonne rolled her eyes at his words and scoffed. How dare Andre threatened her with jail?

“Bring it up!” She clapped. “Your level of confidence even when you’re at the brink of your downfall is something worthy to learn about; impressive.”

“Input the card and put the password. If the password is incorrect, you’ll be arrested. If the pin is correct, then I’ll go to jail.” Yvonne uttered.

A chorus of gasps escalated into the atmosphere at Yvonne’s words. How could she utter such a thing?

Who’ll come to a big store to purchase something with a bank card without knowing the password?

They couldn’t help but ponder.

“Yvonne dear, you should renounce your words. You don’t worth going to jail because of this miserable being!”

Willow tried to persuade Yvonne, but she was obstinate in her decision. She refused and was resolute in her decision.

“Don’t you worry Willow, I knew Andre like the back of my palm.” Yvonne moved a step nearer to Willow.

“He doesn’t even have a bank account. So, I knew the card in his grasp was not his.”

Andre was quiet all the time Yvonne was demeaning him in the superstore. His fingers scribbled on his phone, and a bleeping light shone directly from his phone.

After being satisfied with the text on his phone notifications bar in his eyes, he dipped the phone back into his pocket.

“My total bills is how much?” Andre inquired in an innate tone.

With a sardonic stare, the sales attendant answered, “$600, 000”

“$600, 000? Can Andre afford such an amount? Who on earth would waste his or her hard-earned money on a useless cur like him?” Yvonne pondered and shook her head.

“Arrest him.” Yvonne persisted and the people present in the room all whispered inaudible words among themselves.

Andre ignored the chattering from the crowds which had disrupted the peaceful atmosphere to input his password and the machine made a clinking sound which aroused the curiousness of those present around.

“It must be an incorrect password.” They whispered among themselves.

They anxiously anticipated the reactions of the sales attendant. They expected her to flare in anger and slap Andre but were stunned when the sales attendant exclaimed and covered her lips with her hands.

“What’s wrong?” Yvonne inquisitively questioned.

“A bi-” The sales attendant was interjected by Andre’s sudden voice.

“Withdraw the total sum of my purchases, and an additional hundred of thousands, keep the latter to yourself,” Andre said in a composed tone, ignoring the glare from the people around,

“Your teeth might grow big if you keep on opening your mouth.”

Andre warned the sales attendant as her lips were still widely apart. He collected his card from the sales attendant and turned towards Yvonne.

“Yvonne dear, you decided to defame me in public due to the grudges which you’ve harbored in your heart for me. I don’t know why you detest me so much in this way, but you should avoid me shortly, cause even heaven won’t be able to save you when you step on my feet again.”

Andre would have called the police to arrest Yvonne at the moment since Yvonne was the one who had bet to be arrested if he ever got the pins correctly, but he decided to pardon her.

Moreover, they were once couples who lived together. Arresting her would paint his reputation to be bad.

Yvonne stared with fear and hatred sparkling in her emerald eyes, and her fist clenched to her thighs.

“He’s such an angel. But, I hope he didn’t use a spell on the sales attendant. The sales attendant has been muted ever since she input the card.”

“Yes, it’s true. Look at her lips, trembling,” one of the speakers said.

“Girl, you better check your terminal and log in to your total sales. How could a man like that afford such a huge amount of money? Don’t be flattered by the amount he has dashed you.” Yvonne warned further, turning to face the attendant.

“It’s no lie. The amount in his accounts is so huge, uncountable.” The sales attendant stuttered.

The people around thought she had lost her brain to be spewing gibberish. But, she was fine and even when the accountant was called to confirm the payment, it was legit.

This action left Yvonne and the rest of the people around to be stunned. Yvonne was more embarrassed than anyone in the room.

The murmuring of how she had caused misinformation in the stores resounded in her ears. Even tho, she was there to get her wedding dress, she couldn’t help but leave the store.

Where did Andre get such money from? She couldn’t help but ponder.

As Andre stepped out of the store, he suddenly felt a malicious movement behind him which caused him to retaliate, sweeping whomever from the floor.

A wincing sound escalated from the person’s lips, it was no other than, Willow Smith, Yvonne’s ex-boyfriend who had framed Andre with the company’s rider and sent him to the detention center.

“Are you mad? Do you want to lose your head or spend the remaining of your days in jail?” Willow asked with a tinge of mockery in his voice.

“I warned you to stay off her, but you seem to be proving stubborn. Since next tomorrow is I and Yvonne’s wedding, it wouldn’t be bad if you spend your days in jail the second time for a graver sin.” Willow brawled.

“This time around, not even the president would be able to save you from my trap.” Willow Smith added to his words.

Just as Willow Smith stopped speaking, several men in black rushed towards them in a formative manner.

Both Andre and Willow’s eyes widened at their behold. They both stared at each other in askance.

Andre turned to face Willow with fiery in his eyes. “What’s the meaning of this nonsense?”

Andre grabbed Willow by the collar of his shorts, flashing a murderous glare.

“How dare you grab my shirt? Do you want your head to roll on your shoulders?” Willow said in a trembling voice.

With a stern tone, Andre caveated. “Who are these men? Tell them to get away!”

Willow looked to his left to behold the face of the henchmen who were dressed in black, and the logo on their shirt.


They all have a rose embroidery etched into their shirt, which means they are not from his family.

What kind of family still uses rose as a means of identification in this era?

“I don’t know them! Why should I chase them away?” Willow yelled at Andre.

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