Chapter 115: Far-Fetched Dream!

Valiant was a government employee, but seeing such a strong and democratic non-governmental organization, he couldn't feel happy.

An organization where the leader had absolute prestige yet treated subordinates democratically and fairly, not interfering with their authority or the internal personnel situation of each squad.

Such a democratic organization equated to a solid one.

How solid? According to Valiant, the government would have no say in this organization.

They held real power, had strong experts leading them, and had people to resolve conflicts.

So did they still need government 'protection'? Haha...

Probably everyone saw the government as shackles instead.

And as a government employee, being in such an organization meant he couldn't take a single step forward.

Who would listen to him?

He couldn't help but look at Wilbur beside him.

This person was once an elite at the survivor base near Grieving River Bridge. Valiant had a fairly good relationship with him and had promised th
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