Chapter 116: Boss Is Powerless!

Sixty contributions, the punishment was indeed heavy. After today's expenses on food, drinks, and maid services, he didn't have 30 contributions left.

But so what? Satisfying his mouth and slapping others in the face felt great.

Besides, recently, Jarred had a surplus of contributions. At most, he could borrow some to pay the fine and gradually pay it back later.

Their leader was very good. Not only did he use his own money to provide good food for his subordinates, but he also recently splurged to rent 11 baseball bats for the three squads under his command. 60 contributions? Just a drop in the bucket.

Seeing Memphis angry and Wylie severely punished, everyone else, including Gemma, wisely kept their mouths shut. Valiant, after a sigh of relief, clenched his fists tightly.

Damn it...

Memphis glanced around and calmly said:


Amanda understood, took out a piece of paper from beside her, and said:

"This is a request from the town's residents, with 7 people on it. They hope to q
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