A vibratory sound pierced Grey's sleep, jolting him awake. His eyes snapped open, and he sat up, scanning the dimly lit room. Puzzlement creased his brow as he tried to identify the source of the unsettling noise. It certainly wasn't the alarm, as he didn't have one. His body always knew when it was time to wake up.
Grey pushed aside his rumpled bedsheet. With a sigh, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and made his way to the window. Beyond the glass, the morning was beginning, casting a faint glow over the streets. There certainly wasn't anything abnormal going on down there. It was dawn, and there were close to zero activities, except for the cats snarling at each other. Grey held his temple. It seemed the weird sound also came with a headache. He glanced at the wall clock and saw it was 6:00 am. Not too early to prepare for work. A few minutes of exercise, a cold shower, dressing in a well-fitted suit, and a modest breakfast. Grey finished his usual morning routine and set out for work. As he stepped out of his apartment building, something caught his attention: a man hitting his head on the door of a nearby shop. Grey knew this man to be one of his noisy neighbors, who had a loud wife who nagged constantly about his lack of care for their children. Whenever Grey heard their arguments, he ended up with conflicted thoughts. One part of him was grateful he lived alone as he couldn't handle mundane chaos, and the other, thinking about his non-existent parents. Grey was an orphan and had grown up in an institution. It was not exactly a home-friendly place, more like a hell he was grateful to have escaped. Even the thought of it gave him chills. Shaking off the scary thoughts, he turned away from the man's strange behavior. He was a notorious drunkard so this fell under the norm, but he couldn't help but notice the man abnormally pale skin. The man then began to hit his head even more frantically and Grey stepped back startled. “Yeah, this is not for me,” Grey said and hurriedly entered his car and drove. Whatever was going on with him, was none of his business. He just pitied the man's wife and kids * Towering glass skyscrapers dominated the city skyline, a sprawling city teeming with cars on the roads. Lots of cars, which forced Grey to sigh warily as traffic had brought his car to a standstill. This was one of the reasons he left home so early, to evade any possible gridlock. The roads were usually free and less congested, with the only possible cause of traffic being a car accident. "What bad luck," Grey sighed under his breath. He was tempted to park his car somewhere and jog to work, as being tardy wasn't in his DNA, as he felt it was better to be too early than too late. Luckily, he managed to hold himself back, and in a few minutes, the traffic moved. He arrived at his office at reasonable time, by his own standards, and entered the high-rise building with a backpack slung over his shoulder. As he walked toward the elevator, he spotted Wendy, the receptionist for the firm, and a frown creased his face. A voiding Wendy was another reason for arriving to work so early. Wendy had an unhealthy obsession with him, persistently seeking his attention and constantly inviting him out. It didn't matter how many times he rejected her, she wouldn't give up. Wendy then noticed Grey and waved energetically towards him. Grey responded with a curt nod and hastened his steps toward the elevator, hoping to avoid any conversation she might initiate. "Grey, wait up," Wendy called after him, but he didn't break his stride. Reaching the elevator, he pressed the button multiple times, hoping to escape any conversation she was going to initiate. "Should I just take the stairs?" Grey thought, and was about to move, but Wendy's urgent voice caused him to halt, “Stop, don't!” Grey halted, puzzled by how she knew he was about to take the stairs. "Why?" he inquired, turning to face her, but she didn't answer until she caught up to him. Wendy, wearing a striking blue shirt and fitted black skirt, was the epitome of beauty. Most men would jump at the chance to be with her, but Grey was different. He saw her as someone who would turn his quiet life upside down, and he wasn't ready for that. "Somebody reported a live wire, so the stairs are off-limits until the electrician fixes it," Wendy explained, pointing to a signboard she had propped up to indicate that the stairs were temporarily closed. "Okay," Grey acknowledged and then turned back to the elevator. "So, where do you think you were going without greeting me properly?" Wendy asked, her tone dripping with seduction as she moved closer to him. Grey shifted uncomfortably. "To work, where else?" Wendy pouted childishly. "How could you go without collecting the meal I made for you?" she said holding up a small bag that held a food flask. "I specifically told you to stop doing this its making me uncomfortable," Grey sighed. "How could I resist? I need to make sure you're taken care of," Wendy replied, her gaze fixed on him. "Why? I can certainly take care of myself," Grey retorted. He had made it his mission to be self-sufficient since leaving the orphanage, working multiple part-time jobs during his university days to make ends meet. His hard work eventually paid off, and he now had a good job. "I can see that," Wendy replied with a smile. "But I still want to take care of you. Even if you've eaten, I want you to have it for my sake," Wendy insisted, handing him the bag. "I don't want it, I've already had breakfast," Grey responded firmly, he wouldn't budge on this. "That's fine; you can have it for lunch, then. I wouldn't want the food I made with so much effort to go to waste, would I?" "I didn't ask you to make it now, did I?" Grey shot back, annoyed. "Of course, you did," Wendy replied with a blush. "You have a look that makes me want to cook for you." What the hell does that even mean? Was she insulting my physique? Grey body was on the leaner side, and he has frail skin that made him look like he was sick. So he was quite sensitive to comments about his looks. Grey eased his furrowed brows. He considered her inability to take a hint quite annoying but he knew she meant no insult. "Listen, Wendy, I..." Grey was about to speak, but he paused noticing a flickering purple blur at the edge of his vision. His eyes widened in confusion and alarm as he tried to make sense of the shimmering distortion, but when he blinked, the mysterious blur vanished, and everything returned to normal. “You what?” Wendy asked which snapped Grey out of his daze. “Oh it's nothing,” Grey said and the elevator arrived. He then moved past her, stepping into the elevator. He pressed the button for the 6th floor, but before the doors closed, Wendy slipped inside and forced the flask into his arm, “Enjoy.” Before Grey could open his mouth to refuse her, she hopped off and waved as the door closed. Grey then sighed wearily as the elevator ascended. He didn't want to resort to being rude, so she'd stop. He wasn't even going to eat the meal. He couldn't, not when he knew the intention behind it and couldn't reciprocate it. Grey then sighed again and frowned, wondering what the purple blur he saw was all about.Related Chapters
Apocalypse Unbound Unusual Beginnings
Arriving at his office, Grey was met with an unusual sight: the empty office. He grinned, taking pride in being the first to arrive—an achievement that made him giddy.Grey savored the silence while he could for a second, aware that soon his coworkers would arrive, and headed to his neatly organized cubicle. He sat at his desk, powered up his computer, and began the day by sorting through unfinished emails and documents, entering work mode.About an hour later, his colleagues began to trickle in. Grey exchanged the necessary pleasantries with them. He wasn't a social person and would rather not do it, but given the nature of his work, communication was necessary. So Grey had to force himself to adapt, no matter how uncomfortable he might be. It wasn't long before Jace, his coworker, arrived. He was known for his liveliness and perpetual lateness, and the only one Grey was remotely close to since he started working here."Grey?" Jace inquired as he noticed a food flask on Grey's desk, h
Apocalypse Unbound Zombies Among Us
As soon as Grey said that, a mechanical voice rang in his head: "[Initializing...]" "[Grey White detected suitable to be Players]" "[Integrating System...]" "[System Integration Successful]" "[System Activated!]" "[Stat Window now available to be viewed]" "[Basic Weapon Now Available To Be Used]" "What... What the hell does this mean?" Grey said, filled with shock and confusion. "Grey, can you see this?" Jace asked. "Yeah," Grey replied. It seemed like he wasn't the only one seeing this strange digitalized screen. ======================= [You have been given the basic weapon 'steel bat'] [All you have to do to get it is to summon it] [Good luck] ======================= Grey took in what he read with bated breath. Despite finding it absurd, he knew he would be wrong to doubt it, not when a real monster was standing right in front of him. Grace growled as she eerily twitched her head, her face a gruesome mask of gore, like a scene right out of a horror m
Apocalypse Unbound Survival Instinct
Luckily, Grey had managed to react in time. He held the steel bat between himself and the zombie, using it as a barrier to keep the ghoul at bay. The creature was relentless, pushing and biting at Grey's face, forcing him to turn his head to the side. He noticed a pen on the floor, picked it up immediately, and stabbed it into the zombie's head digging it into it's brain. The zombie stopped moving, and Grey pushed the creature off him. He hurriedly rose to his feet with his back, just in time, as another zombie lunged at him. Grey swayed, narrowly dodging the attack, before delivering a vicious blow to the back of the zombie's head. "One more zombie down," Grey thought as he turned to face the last three zombies. He kneed one of them, a female, in the ribs, grabbed her by the hair, and mercilessly smashed her face into the edge of his desk. He then swung his weapon with such force that it flew out of his grip. This undoubtedly took out the second zombie, but there was a t
Apocalypse Unbound Desperate Rush
Grey desperately wanted to rush to Jace's aid, but the zombies blocked his path. Even worse, their grunts had attracted more of the others, and the hallway was starting to get flooded. Grey had even lost his bat in the process, a the zombies were too much and there was no way he could get it back. “Dammit." Grey's fists clenched in frustration. He unleashed punches and kicks to keep the zombies away and try to get through, but it was futile. The zombies were stubborn, driven by an unquenchable hunger for flesh, and they kept crawling toward him, no matter how hard he pushed back. He also had to be wary of the zombie bites, as a single bite could turn him into one of them, but he had to save Jace. He glanced around for something, a weapon to use, but he was in an accounting firm—not exactly a place known for holding weapons. As he searched, his eyes caught sight of the axe hanging beside the fire extinguisher. "Bingo." With a frantic dash, Grey reached the axe and shattered
Apocalypse Unbound Axe and Thunder
The pain from the shock stopped, and Grey fell to his knees, breathing heavily. He looked down at the stat window in front of him, reading the notification that had appeared when he was being electrocuted. Feeling somewhat eased, he rose to his feet and then heard a zombie growl from behind. Reacting on instinct, he swung the fire axe, and the blade glowed with blue energy, slicing through the zombie's neck like a hot knife through butter. Grey's eyes widened in shock as he watched the zombie's head fall to the ground. He felt a strange energy coursing through him, tingling in his veins. Grey realized that stepping on the live wire had prompted the system to awaken the lightning element. So he could use lightning now? Grey wondered if he would gain fire abilities if he put his hand inside a fire, but he shook his head, noticing how absurd his thoughts were. But was it really absurd? Everything that had unfolded defied logic, so it wouldn't be far-fetched to think that. Whatever
Apocalypse Unbound Blade and the Beast
Elsewhere, in a luxurious hotel, a fierce battle was unfolding. A group of men, armed with bats, steel pipes, and knives, fought against a horde of relentless zombies. Each man displayed remarkable strength, but one among them stood out. With uncanny speed, he darted through the swarm of zombies, swiftly unsheathing his katana. The heads of the zombies fell to the ground, one after another, followed by their bodies. This remarkable swordsman was Draco, the second-in-command of one of the city's most notorious gangs. With the zombies dispatched, a charismatic man in a white suit emerged from the shadows. The men in the room quickly cleared a path and bowed respectfully, even Draco, the agile swordsman, paying his respects. He was a burly figure with a thick beard, the boss of the Red Flame Gang, known as Bunta. He casually took out a cigarette and lit it up without a lighter. Taking a puff. "Report?" Bunta inquired, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "Creatures are mostly zombies, s
Apocalypse Unbound Grey vs Juggernaut Zombie
"System disabled?" Grey read the penalty and reread it, refusing to believe what he was seeing. "This must be a joke, right?!" he said, his voice quivering. He was going to have to fight the tank zombie, or he'd lose the system. The [Juggernaut Zombie] rose to its feet, revealing its full body—a hulking ball of muscle. It regarded him with almost human eyes and insatiable hunger, which made Grey take a step back. "It was strong, really strong," Grey thought as his body trembled, but he gritted his teeth and steeled his resolve. He had no choice but to fight. As if provoked by Grey's stance, the zombie let out an ear-deafening roar before charging towards him. Grey's eyes widened as the zombie reached him in seconds, and he hurriedly dodged the blow. Baam! Its fist smashed into the wall as Grey leaped away. It was fast, more agile than a regular zombie. If he had wasted even a second, the blow would have pummeled his skull. The [Juggernaut Zombie] pursued Grey, launching its blow
Apocalypse Unbound Lighting Rush
Grey fell to the ground, and the [Juggernaut Zombie] roared in pain, holding its forearm as black blood poured out. Grey was half-conscious and barely hanging on, but he forced himself to stand despite his body howling in objection. He then used the vitality shard and felt the pain slightly reduce, enough for him to rise to his feet.Then he used the intelligence shard, and he felt his mana rise as well. He began to channel his energy, causing it to flow through his entire body, using the energy to boost his stats and empower himself. Energy crackled out of his body in the form of lightning, and his eyes glowed blue.=======================[Lightning Enhancement] unlocked=======================Grey's energy was draining rapidly, but he didn't care. He was going to burn it all with his next series of moves, which would leave only one standing at the end.The [Juggernaut Zombie] roared, enraged that Grey had taken its arm. It charged at Grey with an intent to kill, but as soon as t
Latest Chapter
Man and Beast
The new skill he had gotten will be enough.The two stared at each other—man and beast—as if gauging each other's strengths. [Duskfang] was even more cautious as the human released a deathly aura that warned him to flee. [Duskfang] then used its clone ability to create another version of itself to tag Team Grey.The clone looked exactly like the original, and Grey didn’t doubt it had the same power-up. With a deep exhale, he charged at the beast, who began to shoot [Abyssal Orbs]. Grey dodged and parried with his sword, [Banesword], as he drew close, but they were just too much. The release rate had vastly increased, and Grey was still overwhelmed. The energy balls battered his body, tearing into it, but Grey kept moving forward. His bloodline had boosted his vitality to such an insane level that his wounds were starting to heal almost immediately. This advantage gave him the ability to push through the assault, but the closer he got, the more the barrage poked at
Grey looked down and saw [Duskfang] clamping onto his throat.Strangely, it didn't hurt as much as it should have.But if he let [Duskfang] keep at it, he might truly die.Instinctively, he thrust his fingers upward and sank them into [Duskfang]'s flesh.[Duskfang] winced as it felt Grey's fingers pierce its skin.It was confused as to how the human beneath him was still breathing, and sunk its teeth deeper into Grey's neck holding it tighter.But then it felt something wrong with the blood that graced its tongue.The red liquid, which had been invigorating before, wasn't anymore.Something had changed.Grey's blood was doing the opposite—it was poisoning it. [Duskfang] could also feel a sharp pain in the area where Grey's fingers had pierced.It had thought the wound was harmless and ignored it, but now it felt as if it was on fire.Realizing it was in danger, [Duskfang] hurriedly let go of Grey and leaped away, keeping its distance.It glanced at the finger marks Grey had made on i
The Necrotic Heir
Grey emitted a growl as he felt his energy boost fill his body. His body grew hot as his muscle mass increased. He glanced at his stats and saw they had all been doubled.[Berserk ~ 0: Double all stats for one minute][Side Effect: Drained Stamina and Temporary halt in recovery][Effects get better once proficiency increases] Though handy in tight situations, [Berserk] wasn’t advisable to use because of its drawbacks.There was a timer attached to it, meaning he would be in great danger if he didn’t finish off [Duskfang] before one minute ended.Grey sighed, convincing himself that he had no choice. Besides, how would he increase his proficiency if he abandoned the skill?“One minute,” Grey exhaled as he readied himself. “Make it count.”[Duskfang], who seemed relaxed, suddenly became alert, sensing that the air around Grey had changed. The human had gotten stronger.Though it didn’t understand how, it knew there was only one conclusion to this fight: the human's death. [Duskfang]
Last Option
Grey glanced at the new threat, and his expression turned serious. His heartbeat raced so fast that he thought it might explode.Something stirred within him—he didn’t know what it was, but it filled him with adrenaline.The monsters he had faced before, though challenging, were boring with predictable attacks.The only advantage they had: their numbers.But this... this beast was the real deal.If he could compare it to anything, it would be the same chill he felt when he first faced the [Juggernaut zombie].But there was a difference now: Unlike before, he was less hesitant and much stronger.From the brief confrontation, it was obvious that the sabretooth's agility was higher than his, meaning he would be at a massive disadvantage in close combat.This made him think he would fare better with his sword.He glanced at it and saw it lodged in the skull of a dead sabretooth.He knew he had to get it before the sabretooth made a move. But would he be fast enough to retrieve it before [
Grey leaned against the elevator wall, silent and unmoving. He had mentioned that he killed Jace to Wendy because he wanted to keep her as far away from him as possible.Jace’s death had hurt because he was too close to him. To avoid that pain again, he couldn't allow anyone to get close and end up with the same fate.“So, ignoring how cringe you were earlier, I’ve got a question,” Apollo said, making Grey frown.“Are you seriously going to face the horde all by yourself?”Grey let out a heavy sigh and responded, “Yeah. That’s the plan.”“Are you suicidal?” Apollo asked with a serious expression on his face. “'Cause that's the vibe you're giving.”“I don’t intend to die. I promised Jace I’d survive, so that’s what I’m going to do.”“Well, I don’t know who this Jace is, but let’s hope your promise to
A Mutant Birth
With a defeated sigh, Nathan raised both hands in surrender. "Enough, we lost. Do as you please." He realized that Grey had gone easy on them and that trying to be forceful wouldn't do them any good. He needed everyone to be in good form to deal with any threat they encountered and couldn't risk injuries. Besides if Grey wanted to kill himself it was none of their business. Grey frowned, ticked off by Nathan's surrender, but nodded understandably. He was enjoying the exchange, yet Nathan had to go ahead and end it. Grey had wanted the brawl to last longer, to fight until he lost all his energy, but it seemed it was too much to ask. Not everyone was a battle junkie like him, and he shouldn't expect others to be the same. No one in their right mind should be like Grey, who seemed to enjoy the thrill of it all. He was an anomaly, who seemed to be born for this, whereas these guys were just ordinary workers trying to survive. Some had chosen to adapt, others were unwill
Grit and Fire
"I’ll make sure to go easy."Grey watched them. Though he was smiling, he was pissed. They wanted to beat him into submission, which was quite comedic, as it would have made more sense if they were stronger than him. But they weren’t, even as a group, and Grey found that insulting.Granted, their lack of strength was mostly why they wanted him to stay, but still, there were better ways to convince a guy. Other than that, Grey didn’t care about them, nor did he have any reason to. He wasn’t an overly moral person, all about risking his life to do good. He had no attachment to them or anyone else, for that matter—not Amy nor Wendy. The only one he remotely cared about was Jace, and he was also gone. So, Grey was done caring about others.Grey thought being in a group would only frustrate him, especially when there was no structure and a couple of unwilling members."One last chance, Grey," Nathan warned. "It’s not too late to rethink your choice."Grey chuckled. That’s exactly what he s
Tense Confrontation
Apollo shook his head, realizing the girls were not even in Grey's thoughts.Wendy noticed his realistic gesture out of the corner of her eye and did a double-take to check what she saw."What a cute monkey," Wendy said, trying to touch Apollo's head. "Grey, I didn't know you had a pet.""Hands off, bitch," Apollo said, but what Wendy heard was an aggressive grunt followed by her hand getting slapped down, much to Wendy's annoyance, followed by a chuckle from Amy."Pius... back so soon? What happened?" Nathan asked seemingly surprised.Pius had separated from the group to search for his son in grade school.He had been speaking to his son on a phone call, but the connection suddenly got disconnected, and then there were zombies.He adapted quickly taking down a couple of zombies with Nathan and Rush.Looking down at the glass walls Pius saw zombies alongside different types of horrific monsters wrecking the city.This made him extremely worried for his son's safety, and he decided to f
Blatant Refusal
"Who are you?" Rush asked cautiously."Me, I'm..." Grey didn't get the chance to finish as a looming figure surged forward with lightning speed, delivering a devastating punch that thundered into his side. The impact sent him skidding across the ground, gravel, and debris swirling in his wake."Nathan?" Rush exclaimed, seeing Nathan's arm already covered in rocks, his ability [Earth Gaunlet] activated.He then turned towards the stranger to see the damage done. Yet, his jaw slackened when he witnessed the stranger casually dusting off his coat, completely unharmed.The mysterious figure certainly wasn't normal, remaining unscathed by Nathan's blow. Even the monkey perched on his shoulder seemed untouched. Then, as if that wasn't shocking enough, something strange happened. Without warning, Nathan's earth gauntlet began to fracture, small shards tinkling to the ground like raindrops.In the split second Nathan had attacked, Grey had managed to counter with lightning speed using [Over