Chapter 4: Evan's Choice

The next morning, Evan went to the small market near their house, where he found a vegetable seller who looked distressed. The seller appeared exhausted and frustrated.

“Is there anything I can help with?” Evan asked.

The seller looked up in surprise. “Oh, you’re just a kid. What can you do?”

Evan felt a bit hurt but decided not to give up. “I can help. Show me what needs to be done.”

Although somewhat skeptical because Evan was a child, the vegetable seller explained that he needed help moving some of his goods.

“Alright! I’ll do it!” Evan said with determination.

With the seller’s guidance, Evan began to help lift and move the vegetables to their proper places. He felt that his new strength made him quicker and stronger than usual. Every time he completed a task, he felt a slight increase in his body, as if he was getting closer to the full potential of his abilities.

After a while, the seller felt very grateful and thanked him. “You’re truly an amazing kid. Thank you for your help!”

Evan smiled widely. “Let me know if you need any more help.”

The vegetable seller shook his head. “Here’s your payment.” He handed Evan a 5 Vortex banknote.

As Evan received the money, a HUD notification appeared on his screen.

Quest Completed: Help the Vegetable Seller

Experience: +5


Strength Points +5

Agility Points +5

Stamina has been added to the player’s status

Evan was surprised. “Stamina?”

Without hesitation, Evan accessed the new menu on his HUD screen and found that stamina had been added. As far as Evan knew, stamina would make him less prone to fatigue. Curious, Evan tried running home with all his might. Despite having just worked hard, Evan felt he could control his breathing well, and his heartbeat remained steady.

With renewed enthusiasm and abilities that would continue to grow, Evan felt ready to face the next challenge. He realized that this journey was not only about revenge or fighting enemies but also about exploring his full potential and finding new ways to live in this world full of possibilities.

“Will I be able to gain other abilities like magic or sword skills?” Evan wondered to himself as he ran.

No one knew for sure what Evan’s future would hold, not even Evan himself. But one thing was certain. With this system, Evan felt that he could conquer the world.

In his happiness, Evan didn’t notice someone running from a side alley. A collision was unavoidable, but Evan remained standing while the boy who bumped into him fell to the ground.

“Sorry!” said the boy who fell.

Evan looked at the boy with thick glasses. “Riley?”

The little boy adjusted his glasses. “Do you know me?”

Evan was about to answer when a shout from a distance made him turn his gaze.

“You’re pretty brave, Riley! I’m going to teach you a lesson for daring to run away from me!”

Evan noticed the boy shouting at Riley. There was no need to guess who this boy was, as both Evan and Riley had suffered because of him. Maybe not now, but this boy would torment Riley and Evan when they went to school in the future.

“You need to leave now!” Riley squeaked, frightened. “He’s Marco! He and his friends often extort kids in Arcadia!”

Evan’s memories of Marco were still very clear. His body froze with the recollection of the hardships he would face.

In the midst of Evan’s hesitation, the next quest suddenly appeared before him.

Quest: 1. Defeat Marco and save Riley (0/1)

Penalty: Failure will result in the system disappearing from player Evan

Evan felt conflicted. It was ingrained in his mind that he couldn’t defeat Marco. Perhaps due to years of oppression, Evan was now filled with doubt.

“What are you doing?!” Riley stood up and pushed Evan away. “Get out of here quickly!”

Despite being urged, Evan couldn’t leave. If he left now, he would lose everything the system had given him and repeat his dark past.

“Are you crazy?!” Riley shouted in Evan’s face. “Why are you just standing there?!”

Before Evan could make a decision, Marco and his friends stood before Evan and Riley.

“Ohh... so the nerd has a new friend.” Marco sneered at Evan. “Search both of them and take everything from them.”

The first target was Riley. They took all the money Riley had, though it wasn’t much since Riley also came from a poor district.

When they tried to search Evan, Riley stepped forward to block them. “I don’t know him! Let him go!”

Marco’s smile grew wider. “What is this??? Is our cowardly Riley trying to be a hero???”

Marco’s friends laughed, mocking Riley. “What should we do with them, boss?”

Marco thought for a moment and then gave the order. “Teach them a lesson.”

Without hesitation, one of Marco’s group kicked Riley, sending him crashing backward. They were about to continue their assault, but Evan suddenly pushed the attacker away from Riley.

“Stop!” Evan shouted. He may have been afraid and confused earlier, but he remembered what happened on his 17th birthday. If he was afraid of Marco and his friends, he would never have the courage to confront those who used guns. With determined eyes, Evan prepared to fight even though he had no idea how to. “I will fight you!”


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