In a world with many different forms of power, there are great people with a lot of power. People call that place "the land of miracles."
Their power comes from the land they live on, which has a lot of life energy, so some of them can use huge fighting techniques. There were many large groups living there. they comprise the angel clan, demon clan, fairy clan, necromancer clan, spirit beast clan, and giant clan. People who are part of the angel clan have the ability to grow a beautiful white-feathered wing from their bodies. Demon clan: People in the demon clan can also grow wings from their bodies, but unlike the angel clan, their wings are black and don't have feathers. They also have horns on their foreheads. People in the fairy clan can also grow beautiful wings that look like those of butterflies, bees, dragonflies, and other insects. Necromancer clan: Members of the Necromancer clan look like dead bodies. Beast spirit clan: People from the beast spirit clan look like they are half-animal, with animal ears and tails, for example. People in the giant clan are strong and bigger than people in other clans.The magic and skills of the clans are very strong. They each have their own good points. The angel clan knows how to use light and thunderbolt well. The devil clan knows how to use darkness and fire well. The fairy clan knows how to use the power of water and land. They also know how to use magic to grow plants. The necromancer clan is good at using magic to make corpses. The Beast Spirit Clan knows how to use wind power well. The giant clan knows how to use earth power and shock magic well.The clans didn't trouble one other, but the two major forces in the land of miracles, the angel clan and the demon clan, were a different story. The two clans were at odds with one another. The two clans' strength is comparable, causing them to maintain constant vigilance and create perpetual tension.That cannot be divorced from the power of the two chiefs of the angel and demon clans, both of whom are named Edgard and Kahan. Edgardd is the angel clan's leader, while Kahan is the demon clan's leader; their strength is equal. Because the power of the two clan heads is so strong, some of the other clans do not intervene in the fight between the angel and demon clans.Until one day, a young man from the angel clan showed up who was so strong that he was even thought to be stronger than the heads of the angel clan and the demon clan. The only person in the world who could break through divine power. The young man called Ariel was a humble and kind person. He is driven to reach the top of power so he can protect his family and loved ones.Even though the angelic god clan wanted to keep Ariel's power a secret at first, word of Ariel's power finally spread throughout the land of miracles, making the demon clan feel threatened.From then on, the demon clan started to try to stop Ariel from getting divine power. With lies, the demon clan started to get other clans to try to kill the angel clan. The rumor was that if the angel clan really got divine power, they would take over all of the land of miracles and make all of its people slaves.So that some clans will be ready to follow the demon clan's lead, they will be encouraged and slandered and promised the spoils if the angel clan really does fall. so that then some clans will want to join the devil clan. Clans like the giant clan and the necromancer clan are also there. The demon clan asked the fairy clan and the beast spirit clan to join them, but they said no. They don't believe what the demon clan says about angel clan, so they will find out first.The demon clan thinks that the fairy clan and beast spirit clan will make the plan to b down the angel clan fail. So, the demon clan, along with the giant clan and necromancer clan, has chosen to kill off the fairy clan and beast spirit clan first.The fairy clan and beast spirit clan were unexpectedly attacked by the demon clan, together with the giant clan and necromancer clan. The fairy clan and beast clan had never expected such an unexpected invasion. So, without any preparation, the demon clan alliance with the gigantic clan and necromancer clan slaughtered the fairy clan and beast spirit clan one after the other.At the last minute, the head of the fairy clan, Harshad, told his daughter, Julie, and her bodyguard to run to the angel clan for help. But, on her way, Julie and her people were stopped by people from the demon clan. Julie noticed that her path was blocked, so she had to fight with people from the demon clan. Julie then got out her fairy wand. With the power of the snow fairy princess's body, Julie began to fight the people from the demon clan who were blocking her. At first, Julie was able to knock down several people from the demon clan. However, Julie wanted to leave the place right away. Julie's steps were stopped by someone who quickly appeared. He is Ramond, he is the son of the demon clan head. Ramond told Julie that there was no other way for her to go. He said that the fairy clan would end up the same way as the beast spirit clan, which had been wiped out first.Ramond asked Julie to come with him, and he said he wouldn't kill Julie. He'll make Julie one of his best concubines. Julie, who was so angry she couldn't hide it, then started to attack Ramond.But Julie can't beat Ramond because he is stronger than she is. The strike Julie made with her fairy wand was stopped by Ramond's demon trident. Ramond didn't even have to try very hard to b Julie down. Julie said that she would not be with Ramond, even if she died, even though she had fallen.Julie then penned her final letter to the angel clan, especially her lover, Ariel, that the fairy clan had truly fallen, and Julie regretted for not being able to see Ariel again even at the time of his death.Julie then used her fairy abilities. Flapping her wings and blowing up her fairy body heralded the end of her struggle.Thousands of butterfly rays began to spread and fly fast over the land of miracles to where the angel clan resided in order to notify the angel clan about the evil of the demon clan with the gigantic clan and the necromancer clan.Julie's fairy soul butterfly quickly found its way to Ariel, who was concentrating and practicing in order to perfect the power to the divine level.Ariel's thoughts were immediately filled with rage and despair after learning of his lover's death and the killing of the fairy clan. causing Ariel to halt his power training towards the divine level.Ariel never imagined Julie would leave him. Ariel couldn't be by Julie's side to protect her even as she died. He could no longer conceal his tears. Ariel was frustrated and angry, particularly after Julie's death, which was heartbreaking and exacerbated Ariel's rage.Ariel thought it was worthless to rise to the highest levels of the power if he couldn't save the person he cared about the most in the end.He instantly abandoned his position and desired to go the land of the fairy clan. Before that, Ariel told his younger brother to immediately contact their father, Edgard, to mobilize all forces to confront the demon clan alliance since the demon clan had perpetrated a tremendous massacre against the fairy clan and the beast spirit clan.Ariel then flew alone to the battlefield. On the other hand, after informed Edgard, Edgard promptly rallied the entire angel clan's force to attack the demon clan alliance, following Ariel's lead, who had left first.The fairy clan had been totally wiped out when Ariel arrived at their territory. Ariel's uncontrollable rage then unleashed great power, slaughte the demon clans Ariel encountered.Meanwhile, Edgard and have finally caught up with Ariel, along with other angel clan troops. They were all filled with rage after witnessing the annihilation of the fairy clan, they pledged to fully destroy the demon clan no matter what.When Kahan saw that the angel clan had arrived, he told Bolverk, the leader of the giant clan, and Shaman, the leader of the necromancer clan, to come with him to fight the angel clan right away.When Kahan, Bolverk, and Shaman from his alliance showed up, they were joined by hundreds of thousands of his men. Ariel wasn't afraid because he was very determined to destroy the demon group. Ariel then took out his two very powerful swords, the allysum flower sword and the eye of justice sword. In the meantime, Kahan took out the Black Trident of Hell and the Wheel of Fire Destruction, along with Bolverk and his huge axe, and the Shaman with the Scythe of the Chain of Death. They all started to attack Ariel.Ariel started to use the power of his two swords. The allysum flower sword, which shoots out a lot of flower blades, and the eye of justice sword, which shoots out eye needles from another dimension, are both very powerful. Ariel can also keep up with the three of them.On the other hand, Edgard were able to stop hundreds of thousands of Demon Clan, Giant Clan, and Necromancer Clan soldiers with only tens of thousands of soldiers.With Edgard's present strength, those hundreds of thousands of enemies could be held back for a while. Edgard killed a lot of those with the thunderbolt spear of light.Levin, meanwhile, got out his magic book. With four key seals representing destruction, restoration, natural life, and immortality. He began to ravage the combined adversaries with the four natural life seals: water, fire, earth, and wind. People in the angel clan can usually only use one type of light or lightning power, but there are some who can use both or even more, like the Levin, who can use the power of water, fire, earth, and wind. But the amount of power is not as great as the power of light or lightning, which is the angel clan's specialty.Levin slaughtered many foes during the moment, until his attack was interrupted by Ramond, who arrived with his weapon, the Devil's Heart Trident. Ramond launched a quick attack with that weapon, capable of destroying someone's heart.The impact of Ramond's spear brought about a muddled feeling of emptiness, uncertainty, and emotion. putting the victim under Ramond's control after being hit by his attack. Luckily, Levin was able to stop the attack, but many of the angel clan's men died and started killing each other. Since the demon heart poison Ramond used was so potent, Levin issued a recovery seal right away to save the members of the angel clan who had been injured in the attack.In another area, Ariel, who was fighting three people at once, finally looked like he was too tired to keep going. Edgard, who saw this, helped Ariel right away and kept attacking tens of thousands of enemy troops. Ariel finally beat Kahan, Bolverk, and Shaman with the help of Edgard.But that did not mean the end of the war. Suddenly, Ramond attacked the shaman from a different direction with the power of heart chains. It was Ramond's most dangerous techniques. It could not only control the body and feelings of the person being attacked, but it could also force the person to use all of their abilities, even techniques that were forbidden. The shaman was forced to use the forbidden techniques of the necromancer clan, including the great soul sacrifice technique, which is the most forbidden technique in the necromancer clan.The technique can summon a powerful divine corpse emperor from the dimension of death, but it does so by sacrificing tens of thousands of people from the necromancer clan. This means that almost all of the necromancer clan's troops die, along with the shaman who used the technique. Shaman didn't expect to be betrayed by the demon clan so that they could kill the angel clan and become the only master of the land of miracles. When the god corpse emperor came, Ariel and Edgard fell right away, and many of the angel clan men were killed. Even Edgard and Levin looked like they were going to die at that time.Bolverk didn't say anything. He started to worry when he saw that the angel clan was about to be destroyed and that the sorcerer clan had been wiped out. Bolverk was scared that in the future, the demon clan would also kill the giant clan so that they would be the only ones in charge of the Land of Miracles. Even so, Bolverk couldn't do much. At this point, all he could do was follow the demon clan.Ariel then used translucent eyes, which could open seals, and chose to fully open the power that had been sealed inside him. The strength of the black wing shadow's darknessEven though Ariel knew that unlocking the power of the darkness of the shadow of the black wings would consume the power of his light wings, he would still do it in order to gain more power.Because of a calamity in the angel clan that caused some of the angels to perish and lose the strength of their light wings, the beginning of the power was hidden in Ariel. It was later determined that the calamity was caused by the appearance of a shadow monster with enormous black wings. The black wing monster was even claimed to be capable of covering such a vast mountain. At the time, the black wing shadow monster proceeded to suck the strength of the angel clan's light wings in order to become stronger.The monster kept eating and absorbing the power of the angel clan's light wings, so more and more people became victims until Ariel was born. Ariel's grandpa named Velaju when he saw that Ariel's body was so special that it would have eight angel wings. Then he tried to seal the shadow of the black wings into Ariel's body. He did this to keep the angel clan from going extinct.Velaju knew that only the body of an eight-winged angel could stop the black wing shadow from killing more people in the angel clan. This was the only way.People in the angel clan typically have two to four wings, however in very rare circumstances, one person will have eight angel wings.Ariel's body had now been turned into a black and white winged angel. Ariel got great power from the shadow of the black wings in return for losing half of the light from his eight angel wings, allowing him to achieve divine-like power. Although he didn't know how long the strength of the fusion of the eight-wing body and the black-wing shadow would be able to last, at least that vast power could withstand the god corpse emperor as well as the demon clan and the gigantic clan."How is that power in you?" asked Kahan. It seemed like Kahan knew about the power of the black wing shadow.Even though Ariel can now corner the demon clan alliance, that is not enough to make all of the demon clan allies lose. Ariel really wants to destroy all the demon clan alliances at this time.At that moment of awakening. Ariel decided to use his last bit of strength to end this great war. If it would protect his family and people, he was ready to give up his life and strength. Ariel next used the angel wing light soul burning technique. The seal could let out a lot of power because the power of the angel wing body and the power of the two swords of his inheritance would combine to make a very strong attack.Ariel was sure of what he wanted to do. There was no point in getting to the top of the power ladder if he couldn't protect the people he cared about. The power of the allysum flower sword and the sword of the eye of justice then combined with the power of his angel wing body and the black power inside him, releasing millions of points of light that filled the battle sky. The white and black lights then fell quickly to destroy the alliance of the demon clans.Edgard saw Ariel's end choice and could no longer stop Ariel's sacrifice. But Levin, who cared a lot about his brother Ariel, did not want to let Ariel die like that. He then used the power of the heavenly magic book, the power of the ageless soul, and the body lock seal. His most forbidden skill, which he finally gave to his brother, cost Levin his own life. Levin thinks that if Ariel stays, he will be better able to protect everyone than he is.Kahan sacrificed himself to break the demon blood seal of destruction just as the end of the demon clan alliance was at hand. If Kahan succeeds, the angel clan will suffer the same fate as the demon clan."Your presence changed the power structure in the land of miracles, which led to this big war disaster," Kahan said to Ariel, laughing and being angry at the same time.The power seal Kahan had made then let out a blood-red fireball that fell on the Angel Clan. When two big forces met, it was the worst thing that had ever happened in the land of the miracles.Until finally, the Great War destroyed the land of miracles and everyone who lived there in an instant.Related Chapters
Ariel The Black White Angel Chapter 2 : New Life and Encounters
"Is this the world that comes after death?" Ariel asked himself this question, and all of a sudden, he felt himself start to come back to. Ariel can still remember bits and pieces of what happened with Julie and the big fight against the demon clan alliance. Ariel opened his eyes. At that moment, he started to wake up, and tears started to fall from his eyes. Ariel felt bad about his mistakes and about not being able to help the people he cared about. Ariel started to move around. Ariel once more asked himself, "How was he still alive?" He remembered that he had given up his life to get rid of the demon clan alliance. "Is this because of Levin's seal that locks the soul and body together?" Ariel started to think about how the war, Edgar, Levin, and the whole land of wonders had all ended. Then Ariel started to straighten up and take a look at himself and his surroundings. Ariel first saw and felt a dark, damp ceiling and heard the sound of water dripping. Ariel saw that he was in
Ariel The Black White Angel Chapter 3 : Fire Shell Pearl Search
"How long have I been sleeping?" Zhishu questioned Ariel. "I found you unconscious and carried you to this cave more than a week ago." He answered. Zhishu immediately stopped eating. She then got up and moved from where she had been sitting. It looked like Zhishu wanted to get behind something. "I can't relax; I need it right away." Zhishu spoke as she stood up. "First, get back in shape and strength." Ariel explained. Ariel, who was present, tried to stop Zhishu with his words because it was quite improbable that she would return to the forest in her current condition. Zhishu had a great urge to go, but as she became aware of her current situation, she eventually followed Ariel's suggestions to regain strength. Zhishu then sat down again with Ariel and Nero. "Exactly what are you looking for?" Ariel inquired yet again. "The pearl of the fire shell," Zhishu responded. Zhishu then started to talk about how she got to this forest and why she fought the golden tail dragon . Zhish
Ariel The Black White Angel Chapter 4 : The Mysterious Hidden Power Reappears
Dewdrops began to fall from the cave roofs, and sunshine penetrated through the fissures in the rocks. Ariel awoke and opened his eyes. The cave's roof was still moist and dark.Ariel's movements and steps remained unchanged; he returned to his ordinary life in the cave. Although Ariel was used to feeling empty and hollow in his daily life, the days since Zhishu's departure made him feel like something was missing. Zhishu was the first person to speak to him after he awoke in the cave of this world.Ariel sought to dismiss his meeting with Zhishu as a passing breeze that didn't need to be addressed, however Zhishu's shadow and face could still be felt by Ariel in his dreams. For the time being, Ariel will continue on his current road of solitary.The days flew by, Ariel and Nero continued to dwell in the cave. In Ariel's mind, concerns developed as to why Nero wanted to stay with Ariel and why Nero did not fly freely to the outer world.Nero is an uncommon raven. Ariel recalls a day wh
Ariel The Black White Angel Chapter 5 : A New Adventure Begins in Wattbor City
Ariel's body became extremely weak; he bowed down till he could no longer stand; the black wings on his back fell off, and the dreadful black aura faded. Ariel started to realise that the power of the black wings right now was the power of the shadow of the black wings that used to be in him. When Ariel's black wings fell off, the feathers that landed on his body changed into a crow. Ariel was very surprised when the feathers that fell from the power of the black wings turned into a crow, which turned out to be Nero.Nero asked Ariel, "Are you surprised?"Ariel was even more startled now that Nero could speak. Ariel was also astonished to discover that he could now employ translucent eyes, which can assess a person's aura of strength and see the type of strength they possess. Translucent eyes may also recognise and identify alien objects, allowing translucent eye users to perceive valuable or dangerous materials. Ariel's translucent eyes can also see schematics building seals, thus he
Ariel The Black White Angel Chapter 6 : Keeping Promises, Giving the Best Sword
Finally, Ariel was able to meet with Theo's brother, "Are you all right?.""Yes, I'm fine, and thanks for helping me earlier," Theo's brother said."I'm Ariel, what's your name?" asked Ariel.Theo's brother answered, "My name is Marcel."Ariel: "I have something to tell you."Ariel said, "We should find another place first."Then Marcel took Ariel to where he lived, which was a small house on a hill in a suburb of Wattbor.Marcel asked Ariel to come in, and then Marcel made drinks and food. Marcel didn't have much money, so all she could give was water and some dry bread."I'm sorry I haven't been able to keep you more entertained, but my brother hasn't come back yet," Marcel said.Ariel said, "Yes, it's fine. Sorry for the trouble."Marcel then gave Ariel some bread and water to drink.Marcel asked, "Excuse me, but why are you looking for me? Or do you have something to do with my brother?"Marcel asked again, still curious what Ariel was trying to say.Ariel stopped drinking, set hi
Ariel The Black White Angel Chapter 7 : Practiced Basic Spectrum Techniques and Established Cooperation with Dragon Gate Auction House
When Ariel and Marcel got home, they ate together right away. Even though there was only a little bit of dry bread left, they didn't complain."What do you think we should do next?" Marcel asked Ariel."Is Theo's promise to give you a new sword because you want to get stronger?" asked Ariel in response."Yes, Brother Theo has taken care of me and kept me safe since I was a child, My body isn't as big as Brother Theo's, and our parents have been dead since we were little, so I really want to be strong so I can also protect my family and not just be a burden," said Marcel.Ariel knew what Marcel was feeling pretty well. Ariel decided he wanted to help Marcel get stronger."Come on out, and I'll show you a sword technique that matches your wind element spectrum."Ariel begged, "Get your sword!"Then Marcel picked up his broken, rusty iron sword. Ariel wanted to give Marcel a new sword right away when he saw Marcel's broken and rusted one. Ariel then took a book out of the storage ring on
Ariel The Black White Angel Chapter 8 : The Greatest Sword Maker has Died.
When Ariel got the money, he went right out to find food. Ariel visited a bakery in Wattbor. Ariel had taken off his mask now. When Ariel walked into the establishment, he was greeted by a middle-aged woman."Welcome to my bakery; please have a seat.""I would like to wrap some peanut bread; can you prepare it?" "I will get it ready right away."After this, Ariel sat down to wait for his order to be made.Suddenly, the door loudly opened, and several people walked right in. Loudly, someone told the shop owner to come out."Come out, you ignorant woman, I've come to collect your debt." The individual calling out to the bakery lady was one of Wattbor City's moneylenders.After hearing these people's voices, the bakery's owner instantly came out and said, "Sorry, give me two more days; I will pay it off.""What are you saying?,There is no more time; you must pay it off now," said the moneylender, destroying the bread exhibited in the bakery. Not only that, but the moneylender directed hi
Ariel The Black White Angel Chapter 9 : The Meteor storm dragon sword
Henry closed the mail after reading Herman's letter and delivered the sword that Herman had created to Marcel."This sword has been completed; my father's final determination and pride as a blacksmith are realized in this sword.""What is the name of this sword?" Marcel queried."I don't know either; my father didn't mention it in the letter he wrote," Marcel answered."Then you should name this sword, because you are your father's heir," Ariel said, asking Henry to name the weapon."Because this sword is made from the horn of the storm dragon emperor and red meteor steel, this sword is called the sword of the storm dragon meteor," stated Henry."Cool name, I think," Ariel agreed with Henry's name; Marcel agreed with Ariel; Marcel then raised the sword while adding, "Now your name is the meteor storm dragon sword," Marcel remarked as if talking to the blade.Herman's body was then buried adjacent to Herman's weapon-making warehouse. Ariel inquired about the amount of compensation that
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Chapter 30 : Central Library of the Celestial Academy
The fact that Luis had finally returned to the additional training brought Lina a great deal of joy. As a result of the fact that Lina had feelings for Luis, she longed for the times she spent with him during the early stages of their training.In the meantime, Melly was having a good time with the food and beverages that she had ordered; this was the very first time that she had the opportunity to enjoy cuisine that was both expensive and wonderful in the cafeteria without having to pay for it."I think we should thank Ariel later; I didn't realize he was such a good and great person," Melly commented.Lina was in agreement with what Melly had to say, but what actually piqued her interest was the question of how Ariel could triumph over Lisandro. At the beginning of the further training, Ariel presented himself as having merely a type of light spectrum, which his users referred to as being useless in direct combat. Lina recalled this information quite well.When she encounters Ariel a
Chapter 29 : Many People are Curious about the Figure of Ariel
"Mr. Lisandro relented and felt sorry for the first-year student" were still being spoken in a low voice. There were still some senior students in the unicorn division who had doubts about the truth, despite the fact that many second year seniors believed Lisandro when he stated that he had lost against Ariel. Ariel also requested that eres and the others refrain from responding to the whispers that were being made by the seniors in the unicorn division. It appeared that Ariel did not wish to respond to the whispers.Would it be possible for us seniors in the unicorn division to participate in the food? In response to Paul's question, Roy, who had just heard Paul's comments, eagerly grabbed Paul's hand.As Paul appeared to be requesting that Ariel treat everyone, Roy felt ashamed.At that point, Ariel said, "Please eat and order as much of everything you want as you want, this goes for everyone, including you seniors.”rgaWhen the seniors of the unicorn division heard these statement
Chapter 28 : Victory Celebration
Slowly, the bright white light went out, and people could see again. The unicorn division courtyard was filled with shock as Ariel was seen standing behind Lisandro. Everyone was interested in what was going on."What exactly is going on? "What have you been up to?" Catarina, who was taken aback by the reality that Ariel had unexpectedly triumphed over Lisandro, inquired.Jessie came to the conclusion that Ariel's actions were exceptional. She speculated that when Ariel had unleashed a very bright light explosion earlier, Ariel instantly moved extremely swiftly towards the back of Lisandro. Jessie realized that Ariel's actions were not typical.However, there was something that continued to linger in Jessie's mind: why was Lisandro silent while Ariel was behind him? As an A-rank adventurer, he could have been sensitive to Ariel, and Lisandro ought to have been able to avoid Ariel's attack."Did lisandro lose on purpose?" The question lingered in Jessie's mind.And in the meantime, the
Chapter 27 : Proof of Ability
After the sun rose to greet the sunny morning, Ariel walked straight to class to attend the class that was scheduled for today.On the other hand, this time there is something different; the lesson that is being taught in the classroom is not about knowledge and theory.Outside of the courtyard, the new pupils of the unicorn division are asked to participate in the class, which is being held outside this time.Following that, a female instructor introduced herself as Jessie, and then there was someone standing next to Jessie."This time I invite my friend to help in this lesson," Jessie introduced her companion who was standing next to her. "He's a level A adventurer from the Lestia Kingdom Adventurer's Guild, and his name is Lisandro,"Jessie went on to explain the reason she had brought Lisandro with her, as well as the reason why the freshman in the unicorn division were pulled out of the classroom and into the courtyard.After that, Jessie separated the students who were enrolled
Chapter 26 : Nero Backstory's
Astonished by the astonishing objects that were up for auction at the dragon gate auction house, the students of the Celestial Academy who attended the auction were completely taken aback.“This is the very first time that I have witnessed an auction that is so incredibly costly; I can't even begin to imagine when I would ever have that amount of money,” Margaret was conversing with herself.“In point of fact, the royal family and the three great families are not to be taken lightly in terms of their money and influence,” Tisa spoke up.“Nevertheless, I am still perplexed as to why the young man who was wearing the black robe and mask did not take part in the competition for the two dragon emperor skins,” Tisa was perplexed.in the same time as Marcel was watching the auction of the dragon emperor skin in the dragon gate auction house, he suddenly recalled the sword that Ariel had presented to him.When he thought about it, he thought to himself, "If the skin of the dragon emperor is
Chapter 25 : Dragon Emperor Skin Scramble
After they had completed examining the legitimacy of the dragon emperor skin that was on display, Clara requested that Romaroz, Bono, and Rozel, along with the other city lords, return to their various locations.Those complied with Clara's instructions and went back to their seats; but, prior to doing so, they inquired about the means by which Clara could obtain a portion of the dragon emperor's skin since they were inquisitive about how she accomplished this.At that time, Clara responded by saying that she had obtained it from a mysterious master who was unaware of its origins.The appearance of the dragon emperor's skin at the Dragon Gate Auction House surprised not only the three heads of the great families of Bellingham and other city lords, but the audience present at the auction was also surprised that Clara presented the dragon emperor's coolie at the auction.The individuals who took part in the auction believed that the enigmatic master figure that Clara described must be a
Chapter 24 : Dragon Emperor Skin
In the auction for the strange black shard, Ariel and Romaroz are still engaged in a pricing struggle that has not yet settled."Your courage is also admirable," Romaroz observed to Ariel.As a result of Romaroz's will to continue competing with Ariel, the price is increased once more to 15,000 gold money.However, Ariel continued to compete with Romaroz in terms of price, and as a result, Ariel increased the price to 20,000 gold money.Romeoz raised his price once more to 25,000 gold money.Ariel had a small smile on his face. Ariel would not give in to Romaroz. Ariel went back to the price fight with Romaroz and raised the price to 30,000 gold money.Romaroz raised his price once more to 35,000 gold money.Ariel didn't want to give up, so he raised the price to 50,000 gold money again.Now Romaroz's brows are furrowed, and he is becoming irritated with Ariel, who continues escalating the price.The ambiance of the auction house became more packed; those who attended the dragon gate
Chapter 23: The auction has started
There was a really stunning woman who emerged from behind the crimson curtain that was located in the middle of the stage as the dragon gate auction house began today's auction. She presided over the auction that took place today.“We would like to extend a warm welcome to all who have arrived; the auction for today will begin now.” The auction event that took place today began with the words of welcoming.After then, a second woman showed up and removed the first item that was up for bid.There are not only rare raw materials that are up for auction in the Dragon Gate Auction House; there are also ready-made products that are up for sale, such as weapons, rare accessories, books and scrolls of certain methods or maneuvers, and other uncommon objects.An urn that was supposed to be thousands of years old and with the ability to repel insects was the first object to be made available to the public.On the other hand, the item did not garner a great deal of interest from the audience.Th
Chapter 22 : Attending an auction at the Dragon Gate auction House
When Clara revealed an expression of surprise, her already lovely face took on an endearing quality.“I knew you had an incredible item, even though I've never seen a dragon emperor skin piece, but judging by the aura they emit, these two skin pieces outperform the greatness of the dragon king skin pieces I've seen.”“You never fail to astound me; how did you acquire such a remarkable piece of leather? Both the Earth Dragon Emperor Darco and the Storm Dragon Emperor Kaldora are mythical figures in this realm; no one has ever come face to face with either of them.” ask Clara“Are these two things adequate to serve as a substitute for the materials I need?,” To clarify, Ariel meant the skin of the dragon emperor when he asked this question.“Indeed, sir, this is far in excess of what you have already taken; estimates place the value of these objects at a substantial premium over what you have taken,” Clara gave her response.Following the establishment of the agreement between Ariel and