Chapter 50

Jessica eyes widened in shock, not because of her grandfather's words but because he could move some parts of his body.

" is it possible?" Jessica shuttered, this is really incredulous and miraculous, her grandfather had sought the help of renowned physician and even traditional doctors but none of them could cure him, they only asked him to wait for death.

"What is not possible?" Mr.Dominion couldn't understand why his granddaughter would be this shocked.

"You can move now? Your body is no longer reacting to the stroke? Are you completely healed?"

Jessica rained questions on him which made him burst into laughter, seeing his bright smile, Jessica sighed, its been ages she saw her grandfather laugh so heartily.

"That young man is blessed with incredible skills, you won't lose out by marrying him, am not completely healed yet as I can't walk but its just two days he started treatment and my body had become lighter."

"He is a man of true skills and his identity isn't that simple
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