Chapter 23 (Detachment)

Sensing his turmoil, Jessica spoke once more:

"Jeremy, I am acutely aware of the profound difficulty you face in reliving these painful memories. I harbor no doubt that you bear no responsibility for Stella's untimely demise. However, the same cannot be said for the other individuals entangled in this dark web of events. We implore you to provide your statement, not only to aid our investigation but also to provide closure for Stella's family."

Jessica's words struck a chord within Jeremy, thawing the icy tendrils of anger that had gripped his heart.

With each passing moment, he found himself inching closer to sharing certain details of the incident, while carefully omitting others, such as the presence of the unknown entity and the fact that he had fought to protect Stella, not the other way around.

Instead, he claimed that he had been rendered unconscious by the creatures and woke up to find her lifeless body.

Jessica listened intently, her unwavering belief in Jeremy's account p
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