All Chapters of Ascendant Among All: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
79 chapters
Chapter 1 (Two minutes left to live)
All Jeremy could see was red; his left eye had been badly damaged from countless slashes, and several thick trickles of blood could be seen flowing down his face. His Prussian blue eyes held little to no life.His white hair had been partly painted deep red, and his light skin was discolored by several celestial strikes.Lying prone on the floor was none other than the white-haired male who had been brutally bruised and slashed."Get up, pipsqueak!" A very low-pitched voice bellowed, reverberating throughout the whole space and causing the entire atmosphere to rumble violently.'How did it end up like this?' Jeremy thought.After countless years of training and fighting to prepare for this day, Jeremy couldn't stomach his defeat.'I couldn't even behold his face properly. Now I'm at his feet, at his mercy. Just how, just how did I live my life? When and where did I go wrong?' Jeremy pondered, using one arm to lift his whole body slightly.Almost immediately, an invisible force slammed
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Chapter 2 (A flicker of hope)
"Hey, Sarah," Jeremy greeted, trying to push the remnants of his unsettling dream to the back of his mind."You seemed a bit out of it. Everything okay?" Sarah asked, her brow furrowing with genuine concern.Sarah was a vision of understated elegance, with her fair complexion that seemed to glow softly under the fluorescent lights of the classroom. Her gentle features were framed by waves of chestnut hair that cascaded down her shoulders in loose curls, adding a touch of warmth to her otherwise serene countenance. Her eyes, a shade of hazel that danced with flecks of gold in the sunlight, held a quiet wisdom and kindness that drew people to her effortlessly. Clad in a simple yet stylish ensemble, she exuded a natural charm and grace that made her a beacon of warmth and friendship amidst the hustle and bustle of high school life.Jeremy nodded, forcing a reassuring smile. "Yeah, just a rough morning. You know how it is."Sarah studied him for a moment, her gaze searching his face for
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Chapter 3 (This has to end)
As Jeremy leaned against the kitchen counter, his thoughts swirling in the dimly lit apartment, he couldn't shake the feeling of despair that threatened to consume him. The weight of their struggles pressed down on him like a heavy burden, leaving him feeling powerless against the relentless tide of adversity.Suddenly, a voice broke through the silence, shattering Jeremy's reverie."Jeremy? Is everything okay?"Startled, Jeremy turned to see his mother standing in the doorway, her weary eyes filled with concern. Despite the exhaustion etched into her features, there was a quiet strength in her gaze that spoke volumes.Jeremy forced a weak smile, trying to hide the turmoil raging within him. "Yeah, Mom. Just tired, I guess."His mother studied him for a moment, her gaze searching his face for any signs of distress. She had always been able to see through his facade, to sense when something was amiss."Are you sure?" she asked softly, stepping closer to him. "You know you can talk to m
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Chapter 4 (First mission)
Jeremy wasted no time in dealing with his phone, the device now a lifeline to his newfound destiny. With trembling hands, he navigated to the website once more, his heart pounding in his chest as he revisited the details of his acceptance into the world of exorcism.Scrolling through the lengthy terms and conditions, Jeremy's eyes glazed over the fine print, his mind racing with anticipation. With a deep breath, he filled in his private details and signed, sealing his fate with a digital flourish.He accepted his first mission which would be in the evening, but before that, he had to meet with some of those agents who were representatives at a construction site by 5 pm.A surge of adrenaline coursed through him, the thrill of the unknown propelling him forward with renewed purpose. But amidst the excitement, a pang of apprehension tugged at his conscience, a reminder of the risks and dangers that lay ahead.With a sense of determination, Jeremy made a silent vow to himself to uphold t
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Chapter 5 (The Ascendant system)
As Jeremy stepped through the portal, a blinding light assaulted his senses, causing him to shield his eyes instinctively. After a few moments, the brightness faded, allowing him to take in his surroundings. The place he found himself in, resembled a dark, cavernous cave, its walls lined with jagged rocks that jutted out ominously. As he ventured further into the cave with a burning torch, Jeremy's heart pounded in his chest with each step, his nerves on edge as he braced himself for what lay ahead. Bats fluttered overhead, their wings casting eerie shadows against the cavern walls, while rodents scurried along the ground, their beady eyes glinting in the dim light. Despite the unsettling atmosphere, Jeremy pressed on, determined to fulfill his mission and change his fate. "With this simple mission, I can change my story," Jeremy thought to himself, his resolve strengthened by the prospect of a better future. Consulting the guidebook he had brought along, he reviewed the grades o
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Chapter 6 (Clearing a dungeon)
As Jeremy approached the dead beast, a sense of anticipation filled him as he considered the potential value of its recoverable items. The notifications that popped up only added to his excitement, detailing the loot that could be salvaged from the creature's remains. "Recoverable items: Wolf fangs set, claws, & hide," Jeremy read aloud, his eyes widening with interest. "This should fetch a good price in the market." His mind raced with possibilities as he calculated the potential earnings from selling the wolf parts. However, he quickly reminded himself of the exorcist agents waiting outside and decided to focus on the task at hand. "5000 rons... Not bad for starters," Jeremy muttered to himself, a sense of satisfaction creeping into his voice. Without hesitation, Jeremy confirmed his decision to extract the items, and they materialized in his palm almost instantly. "Guess I'm done here," Jeremy sighed, the weight of the battle lifting from his shoulders. "Time to see what e
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Chapter 7 (Anxiety)
"An important information?" Jeremy mused, and with a deep breath, Jeremy opened the email and began to read, his heart pounding with anticipation.(Your first mission was a success, and after further evaluation, you have been aasigned with a d-rank as an excorcist)(Tap here to access your rank's perks.) It read in bold and underlined letters.As Jeremy mused over the email, a mix of excitement and confusion coursed through his veins. He couldn't help but wonder how he had been evaluated so quickly after just leaving the dungeon moments ago. "After further evaluation?" he questioned aloud, his brow furrowing. "I thought I had just left there a few minutes ago..."Shaking off his confusion, Jeremy decided to set aside the perks mentioned in the email for now. He had more pressing matters to attend to, like finding a place to sleep for the night. He had already told his mom that he was going for a sleepover at a friend's house, a lie that he wasn't particularly proud of. "I'm so terrib
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Chapter 8 (Contract)
Jeremy's eyes widened in awe as he beheld the magnificent bungalow before him. The architectural design was exquisite, with its elegant facade and grand entrance. The building exuded an air of sophistication and luxury, with its well-manicured gardens and tasteful landscaping.As Jeremy glanced at his old wristwatch, he realized that it was 3:59:47, just a few seconds away from his desired time of entry. He let out a sigh, his anticipation growing as he waited for the clock to strike four. Time seemed to slow down as he eagerly anticipated stepping foot inside the building.Before opening the front door, Jeremy's eyes fell upon a signboard, confirming that he had indeed arrived at the right venue. The sign read, "The Dark Horses Guild." Jeremy's heart raced with excitement as he realized he was about to enter a place of mystery and intrigue."Okay, here we go," Jeremy mumbled to himself, his hand grasping the door knob. With a slight creak, the door swung open, revealing a room filled
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Chapter 9 (The hidden quest)
Jeremy stood in the bathroom, lost in thought as the water droplets from his recent shower fell to the floor, creating a soothing echo in the quiet room. He had just completed his daily tasks, a routine he followed diligently to improve himself. 'Daily challenge completed√' . 'Would user like to assign SP automatically?' With a hint of skepticism, Jeremy responded to the prompt asking if he wanted his skill points allocated automatically. "Yes?" he mused, surprised by the seemingly intuitive nature of the system. Immediately, the system allocated his skill points, enhancing his abilities without any input from him. Jeremy couldn't help but wonder if the system was somehow able to read his thoughts. Curiosity piqued, Jeremy decided to check his stats. He quietly uttered the command, "View stats." In response, the system displayed Jeremy's current attributes and their respective levels. His Strength (STR) had increased by one point
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Chapter 10 (Sandworms)
As Jeremy stood in the midst of the desert, his surroundings taking on an eerie stillness, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The plain and smooth desert stretched out before him, seemingly endless in its expanse. The heat intensified, causing beads of sweat to form on his forehead and trickle down his face. His throat felt parched, a dryness that seemed to consume him from within. Gulping down the rising anxiety, Jeremy took a tentative step forward, his boots sinking slightly into the soft sand. But as he moved, he felt a peculiar sensation beneath his foot. It was a slight crunch, as if he had stepped on something fragile. Curiosity piqued, he lifted his leg to inspect what he had inadvertently crushed. 'E rank beast (Desert crab)' To his surprise, he found himself staring at the remnants of an E-rank beast, a desert crab. Its lifeless form lay before him, its carapace gleaming in the harsh sunlight. Jeremy's expectations were tempered, knowing that defeating s
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