All Chapters of Ascendant Among All: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
81 chapters
Chapter 11 (Survive)
The deafening silence that followed was broken only by Jeremy's heavy breathing. He stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, his chest heaving as adrenaline coursed through his veins. The desert around him was littered with the lifeless bodies of the sand worms, their once fearsome forms now reduced to motionless hulks. The air hung heavy with the scent of victory, mingling with the faint musk of the fallen beasts. Jeremy took a moment to catch his breath, his mind still reeling from the intensity of the battle. Sweat soaked his clothes, clinging to his skin like a second layer. His body ached from the exertion, but a sense of accomplishment surged within him. He had faced the challenge head-on and emerged triumphant. As he surveyed the scene, his eyes fell upon the lifeless desert crab he had picked up earlier. In the chaos of the battle, it had been forgotten, dropped to the ground amidst the flurry of action. Jeremy bent down to retrieve it, holding it up in his hands once m
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Chapter 12 (Rewards)
Jeremy's body throbbed with an unbearable pain, clouding his thoughts and pushing him to his physical limits. 'Full health of user has been restored.' 'Hidden quest performance grading: B-' 'User's new rank: c' 'Weapon inventory and system store has been updated' 'AI voiceover for guiding user is now available' '21 skill points have been allocated to user.' 'Quest completed: Heart of steel (in the face of an overwhelming opponent, damage received would be reduced up to 2% while endurance would be boosted up to 25 when in danger.' He had pushed himself to the brink of destruction, but now, finally, the system was here to ease his suffering and restore him to full health. It was a moment of relief and gratitude, as he felt the weight lift off his shoulders and his body become whole once more. The injuries and deep cuts that had plagued him were miraculously healed, a testament to the power of the system. As he lay there, supine, Jeremy's gaze shifted towards the projection han
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Chapter 13 (Arrival)
Jeremy stood in the unfamiliar surroundings, his mind racing to make sense of his current predicament. Confusion washed over him as he realized that he was not where he had expected to be after accepting the quest. The system stories he had read a few days ago, always transported the users back to the exact location where they had embarked on their journey. But now, he found himself in an unknown place with tattered clothes and a sense of disorientation. As he pondered his situation, a gust of wind brushed against his face, causing his clothes to flutter. Jeremy took a few steps forward, hoping to find some answers or at least a clue as to his whereabouts. To his surprise, he stumbled upon a road named Cipher Street. The population in this area seemed sparse, but he could not help but notice the strange reactions from the people he encountered. "They're avoiding me," Jeremy mused, a hint of disappointment in his voice. He observed as two young women quickly averted their gaze and
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Chapter 14 (Deal)
As Jeremy crossed the threshold into the inner sanctum of the guild, a hush fell upon the bustling room. The members, engrossed in their respective tasks, paused momentarily to acknowledge his presence. Some offered friendly greetings, their voices carrying a melody of warmth and camaraderie, while others simply nodded in recognition. It was evident that his arrival had not gone unnoticed, and Jeremy couldn't help but marvel at how seamlessly he seemed to blend into the fabric of the guild. "It appears that I have been embraced as one of their own," Jeremy mused, a sense of satisfaction washing over him as he surveyed the scene before him. The realization that he had effortlessly assimilated into this clandestine world only fueled his intrigue, leaving him with a lingering sense of curiosity about the guild's inner workings. As he made his way towards Jessica's office, Jeremy couldn't help but ponder the significance of the guild members' familiarity with his presence. It seem
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Chapter 15 (Back home)
It was a scorching Sunday afternoon in Oakfield city, with the sun blazing down mercilessly, threatening to smite anyone in its path. The citizens of the city were desperately seeking refuge from the unusual and intense heat, clutching umbrellas as they went about their day, hoping to shield themselves from the blistering rays.Meanwhile, Jeremy found himself standing just before the entrance to the kitchen, a sheepish smile on his face as his mother scolded him. Ignoring her words, seemingly lost in thoughts as he pondered, "I thought the weather forecasters said it was going to be a thunderstorm?"His mother's voice grew louder as she hollered, trying to get his attention. But then, her tone softened, and a pitiful look crossed her face. "Jeremy," she said, her voice filled with disappointment, "are you even listening?""I'm sorry, Mum," Jeremy mumbled, his gaze fixed on the ground. He could sense his mother's disappointment, and it made him feel guilty."Where did you go for a wh
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Chapter 16 (A different Jeremy)
It was another mundane Monday at school, the day that almost every student dreaded. The weather matched the dullness of the day, with a gloomy atmosphere hanging in the air. The morning assembly passed by in a blur of announcements and mundane speeches.However, Jeremy was different. He walked with an air of extreme confidence, his uniform impeccably tailored and his shoes polished to perfection. The student who had once been discriminated against for his family's financial status, his white hair, and average looks, was now the talk of the school.As Jeremy made his way to class, he paid no attention to the stares and whispers around him. Girls blushed as he passed by, and even a few boys couldn't help but be captivated by his presence."Devils!" Jeremy thought inwardly, ignoring the eyes fixed on him and the awkward and lewd looks he received.People would have loved to approach him, to befriend him, but there was an unmistakable cold aura surrounding him and a fierce gaze in his ey
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Chapter 17 (Utilization)
Determined to change the narrative and make himself more approachable and relatable, Jeremy made a conscious effort to switch off his cold aura. He wanted to show his classmates and teachers that there was more to him than just an intimidating presence. He softened his expression, allowing a genuine smile to grace his lips, and his demeanor transformed from aloof to welcoming.The change in Jeremy's aura didn't go unnoticed. Some of his classmates, who had previously been wary of approaching him, began to feel more at ease in his presence. They saw a side of him that they hadn't seen before, someone who was willing to engage and interact on a friendly level. Slowly but surely, Jeremy started to break down the barriers that had been built around him.As the day progressed, the dynamics within the school began to shift. Some were drawn to him out of genuine interest, while others sought to use his newfound popularity for their own gain.In the third period, Jeremy found himself in a m
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Chapter 18 (Introduction ceremony)
Wednesday had arrived, heralding a pivotal moment for Jeremy as he stepped into the bustling main office of the dark guild. A grand sign emblazoned with the guild's name greeted him, casting a festive glow over the transformed space, now resembling a lively dance floor. The atmosphere crackled with excitement, fueled by an impressive spread of refreshments: from fine wines and chilled beers to a variety of spirits, sodas, succulent steaks sizzling on grills, and an assortment of delectable treats.Before the revelry could commence, introductions took precedence. Jeremy surveyed the room, taking note of the twenty out of thirty hunters and exorcists who had gathered. Among them, fifteen held the esteemed C grade, each with a unique aura of seasoned experience. Another five members stood out as B grade, their presence exuding confidence and capability, and were filled by those hovering between B- and B+, each embodying their own blend of skill and determination.For the remaining ten
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Chapter 19 (Stealth mode)
"Prepare yourselves, everyone!" Warhuz, a highly skilled exorcist ranked C+, bellowed with a commanding presence as he clapped his hands, exuding confidence. He led the group towards the imposing purple portal that stood before them, ready to embark on a perilous mission.Brandon, second-in-command in this operation and also a C+ Hunter, couldn't contain his excitement and enthusiasm. "A'ight, yeah! less do zis ma'f*ckers!" he exclaimed, leaping around like a jubilant frog.Jeremy, on the other hand, wore a sly grin as he discreetly suppressed his aura. Being underestimated and perceived as the weakest member of the group worked to his advantage. "Here I come," he whispered to himself, relishing the element of surprise he held.However, Jeremy's momentary satisfaction was interrupted by a man with a comically shaped mustache who arrogantly approached him. "Don't even think about abandoning your post. As a D-ranked exorcist, your role is to mine crystals, collect valuable items, an
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Chapter 20 (Red tigers)
"Stealth mode!" Jeremy proclaimed, drawing his katana from seemingly thin air. As Jeremy prepared to face the enraged creatures, he couldn't help but wonder why they were already in rage mode. Had someone been in this dungeon before them? Or perhaps another team was also clearing this dungeon? Jeremy was aware that other guilds raided dungeons as well. However, If that was the case, this dungeon should have already been marked. There was no time to dwell on these thoughts as the beasts lunged towards Jeremy and Stella. "Watch out!" Jeremy warned Stella, noticing two tigers already leaping towards her. Realizing she couldn't escape the dire situation, Jeremy swiftly dashed towards her, slashing in a calculated manner. With precise movements, he targeted the first tiger's paws and the second tiger's belly. In a rapid succession of slashes, Jeremy aimed for the second tiger's eyes and the first tiger's neck before retreating, grabbing Stella's hand and pulling her away from the b
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