Chapter 13 (Arrival)
Jeremy stood in the unfamiliar surroundings, his mind racing to make sense of his current predicament.

Confusion washed over him as he realized that he was not where he had expected to be after accepting the quest.

The system stories he had read a few days ago, always transported the users back to the exact location where they had embarked on their journey. But now, he found himself in an unknown place with tattered clothes and a sense of disorientation.

As he pondered his situation, a gust of wind brushed against his face, causing his clothes to flutter. Jeremy took a few steps forward, hoping to find some answers or at least a clue as to his whereabouts.

To his surprise, he stumbled upon a road named Cipher Street. The population in this area seemed sparse, but he could not help but notice the strange reactions from the people he encountered.

"They're avoiding me," Jeremy mused, a hint of disappointment in his voice. He observed as two young women quickly averted their gaze and

Had a very busy day, but still managed to squeeze this chapter out, love you all.

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