All Chapters of Ascendant Among All: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
83 chapters
Chapter 21 (An entity)
As the battle intensified, Jeremy's movements became more fluid and controlled. He anticipated the tigers' attacks, dodging and parrying with expert precision. With every swing of his katana, he aimed for vital spots, hoping to weaken his opponents.But the tigers were no ordinary foes. Their agility and strength were unmatched, and their thick fur offered a form of natural armor. Jeremy's strikes, though precise, seemed to have little effect. Blood trickled down his arm from a cut inflicted by one of the tigers, but he ignored the pain, his focus unwavering.He utilized his surroundings to gain an advantage. He lured one tiger towards a narrow passage, where its size and agility would be limited. Seizing the opportunity, he swiftly sidestepped the tiger's attack, causing it to crash into the wall.As the injured tiger recovered, Jeremy swiftly moved to the next phase of his plan. He positioned himself strategically, using his katana to redirect the attention of the remaining two t
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Chapter 22 (Aftermath)
"You're late...." Jeremy whispered, his head hanging in disappointment, his voice barely audible amidst the chaos that surrounded him. Warhuz's thunderous voice pierced through the air, causing everyone to freeze in their tracks. His eyes widened as he took in the gruesome scene before him. "What in tarnation transpired here?" he bellowed, a mix of shock and anger lacing his words. The sight before him left him dumbfounded, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of the tragedy. Jeremy, still in a state of shock himself, struggled to find the words to explain what had transpired. He stammered, his tongue betraying him in his moment of desperation. He struggled to find the right words to explain the unfathomable turn of events. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions, making it difficult to form coherent sentences. "I.... I....." he faltered, his voice trembling as he fought to articulate the chaos that had unfolded. The weight of the situation bore down on him, making it difficult to
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Chapter 23 (Detachment)
Sensing his turmoil, Jessica spoke once more: "Jeremy, I am acutely aware of the profound difficulty you face in reliving these painful memories. I harbor no doubt that you bear no responsibility for Stella's untimely demise. However, the same cannot be said for the other individuals entangled in this dark web of events. We implore you to provide your statement, not only to aid our investigation but also to provide closure for Stella's family."Jessica's words struck a chord within Jeremy, thawing the icy tendrils of anger that had gripped his heart. With each passing moment, he found himself inching closer to sharing certain details of the incident, while carefully omitting others, such as the presence of the unknown entity and the fact that he had fought to protect Stella, not the other way around. Instead, he claimed that he had been rendered unconscious by the creatures and woke up to find her lifeless body.Jessica listened intently, her unwavering belief in Jeremy's account p
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Chapter 24 (Burden)
"Stella..." he mumbled to himself, his voice barely audible in the quiet room. The weight of his thoughts and emotions hung heavily in the air around him. He wondered if he would once again ignore her too, push her away until it was too late, until she was no longer a part of his life. The thought made his heart ache, and his eyes grew heavier with each passing moment.But then, as if on cue, he forced a smile, a feeble attempt to mask the pain that was evident in his eyes. It only made him look even more pitiable, a broken soul desperately trying to hold himself together."Yeah, what do you want?" he spoke, his voice laced with a hint of bitterness. He tried to eliminate every ounce of coldness from his speech, but it seemed futile. The walls he had built around himself were not so easily torn down.Celicia, who had been observing him with a mix of confusion and concern, was taken aback by his response. Before she could utter another word, a familiar voice rang out, breaking the te
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Chapter 25 (Walk me home)
"I may claim not to be a pawn to anybody, but in reality, I am still trapped within the confines of the system," Jeremy mused. "It dictates my every move, tells me how to become stronger, and numbs my emotions. Ever since that fateful day when I had the nightmare in class, I knew something significant was on the horizon."Reflecting on his own pride, Jeremy realized that it was nothing more than empty bravado in the face of true strength. He vividly remembered the nightmare and the encounter with the entity that had nearly taken his life."This system is both a gift and a curse," he contemplated, acknowledging the benefits it offered while recognizing the limitations and challenges it imposed upon him.A burning desire to surpass all those who stood in his way ignited within Jeremy's heart. He yearned to become stronger than the guild masters, the seasoned hunters, the formidable exorcists, the fearsome beasts and creatures, the very system that controlled him, and even the celestia
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Chapter 26 (The difference)
Returning to the topic at hand, Jeremy's voice took on a somber tone. "Like I was saying earlier, Sarah has been the only one there for me from the very beginning, apart from my mom. Our social statuses are worlds apart, yet she never treated me differently, unlike the rest of you."A touch of bitterness seeped into Jeremy's words as he continued, "The rest of you make me sick. You all made a mockery of me every day, isolating me as if I were some kind of infected being. But what pained me the most was seeing people in my own shoes tormenting me by joining your ranks."Celicia's eyes filled with remorse as she listened to Jeremy's words. She couldn't deny the truth in his words, knowing that she had been a part of the group that had treated him poorly. "I admit, I didn't like you and never paid you any attention," she confessed, her voice laced with regret. "But I was never involved in mocking you."Jeremy's gaze softened as he looked at Celicia, appreciating her honesty. "It doesn't
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Chapter 27 (Debt)
Upon entering the house, Jeremy spotted his mother sitting on the living room couch, her gaze fixed on a piece of paper in astonishment. A mischievous grin formed on his face, but he quickly composed himself, adopting a poker face before greeting his mother, who seemed too engrossed in her thoughts to notice that she had left the front door open. "Hey, son, how was your day?" She inquired, approaching hi. with open arms for a warm embrace, which he eagerly reciprocated. "Uninteresting as usual," Jeremy mumbled, not wanting to burden his mother with the details of his own eventful day. "How many times do I need to remind you to stay optimistic?" his mom playfully scolded, a frown appearing on her face as she affectionately pinched Jeremy's cheek. She then retreated to the couch, taking the paper with her. Curiosity piqued, Jeremy couldn't resist asking, "What's written in there?" He uttered, feigning ignorance. "I don't know," his mother replied, a mixture of surprise and fear fl
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Chapter 28 (Freaks)
"You want me to delve into the intricate details of your late father's transactions?" Jessica spoke, her voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.She sat in her 360-wheeled chair, maneuvering through the cluttered office, holding numerous documents in her hands.Jeremy nodded, his eyes fixed on Jessica. "Yes, I need a thorough and comprehensive investigation. I want to understand every aspect of the deals he made." His voice carried a sense of determination, his gaze unwavering.Jessica let out an exasperated sigh, shaking her head in mock frustration."Sheesh! Your requests always manage to give me the chills. Normally, I would refuse such a task, as it goes against the principles of respecting people's privacy, even in death. But considering the circumstances and the fact that you are his only son, I'll make an exception and assist in uncovering the truth." Her tone softened, revealing her underlying empathy.Jeremy's gratitude was evident as he replied, "Thank yo
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Chapter 29 (Suspicion)
Jessica sat in stunned silence, her eyes fixated on the name that appeared on her laptop screen. It sent chills down her spine and made her heart race. "Blackthorn!" she exclaimed inwardly, her mind reeling with questions. "How is Blackthorn involved in this? I thought he was nothing more than a legend, a mythical figure from a bygone era. How could he possibly have any connection to Jeremy's parents?" She felt a sense of urgency to inform the guild master about this shocking revelation, but before doing so, she knew she had to share this information with Jeremy. With trembling hands, she navigated her mouse to the share button, her fingers hovering over it momentarily before clicking. She scrolled through her contacts, searching for Jeremy's name, and soon found it. However, just as she was about to send the message, she hesitated. "Wait," she thought, her mind racing with doubts. "I need to double-check the information. I can't afford to send Jeremy something that might cau
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Chapter 30 (Reunion)
Jeremy stood there, utterly at a loss for words, his mind swirling in a tempest of confusion and disbelief. The scene unfolded before him like a surreal nightmare, and he felt as if he were caught in its grasp. His heart raced as he processed the gravity of the situation, standing bewildered and speechless as the imposing figure of James Detroit loomed before him. "Is this your son?" James Detroit asked, his brow arching above the dark sunglasses he wore. Slowly, he removed them, revealing eyes that seemed to pierce through Jeremy's very soul. The intensity of the moment made it impossible for Jeremy to look away. "Yes, she is my mother," Jeremy replied, stepping in to save his mother from the stress of having to respond. It was an unintentional interruption, but one he felt was necessary given the circumstances. He could sense the weight of the situation, and he knew that every word mattered. Thoughts raced through Jeremy's mind, each one more frantic than the last. Here
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