Chapter 6 (Clearing a dungeon)

As Jeremy approached the dead beast, a sense of anticipation filled him as he considered the potential value of its recoverable items. The notifications that popped up only added to his excitement, detailing the loot that could be salvaged from the creature's remains.

"Recoverable items: Wolf fangs set, claws, & hide," Jeremy read aloud, his eyes widening with interest. "This should fetch a good price in the market."

His mind raced with possibilities as he calculated the potential earnings from selling the wolf parts. However, he quickly reminded himself of the exorcist agents waiting outside and decided to focus on the task at hand.

"5000 rons... Not bad for starters," Jeremy muttered to himself, a sense of satisfaction creeping into his voice.

Without hesitation, Jeremy confirmed his decision to extract the items, and they materialized in his palm almost instantly.

"Guess I'm done here," Jeremy sighed, the weight of the battle lifting from his shoulders. "Time to see what else this dungeon has to offer."

As he prepared to leave, another notification caught his attention, informing him that the wolf was too weak to undergo animal bonding or a similar process. Jeremy's grin faltered momentarily, but he quickly shrugged it off, his mind already racing with thoughts of future battles and conquests.

But before he could dwell on the matter further, another notification interrupted his thoughts.

'D ranked-boss has been defeated, and the Dungeon is about to be sealed, evacuate through the exit.'

"So this was the boss," Jeremy mused, his gaze lingering on the beast's lifeless form. With a final glance, he turned and made his way to the exit, a sense of accomplishment swelling within him.

As he reached the exit door, Jeremy uttered a command in a cold yet commanding tone, "Open!"

The door creaked open before him, revealing the path to the outside world. With a sense of purpose and determination, Jeremy stepped through the threshold, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him in the world beyond.


"Well, that was quick!" the aged man spoke with surprise as Jeremy emerged from the blue portal, his expression a mix of admiration and astonishment.

Jeremy's demeanor remained cold as he tossed a small sack containing the magical items towards the agents. "Here," he uttered tersely, his eyes betraying none of the turmoil swirling within him.

"Whoops!" one of the younger agents exclaimed as he caught the object Jeremy threw at him, his face breaking into a grin at the successful catch.

The only lady among them smiled warmly as she counted out a large sum of cash, her hands deftly splitting it into five portions before extending them toward Jeremy. "Here is your cash, just like we promised," she said, her voice brimming with satisfaction.

Jeremy's mind raced as he accepted the money, his thoughts already drifting towards how he could use it to improve their modest home. "Five thousand rons... Time to buy something for the house," he mused inwardly, a glimmer of hope flickering within him.

"I told you there was nothing to fear," one of the agents remarked, breaking the silence. "With the way you finished your first job with relative ease, we might be assigning you to D-rank dungeons soon."

Jeremy fought to maintain his poker face, his mind still reeling from the dangers he had faced inside the dungeon. "Nothing to fear? I almost died in there," he thought bitterly, his gaze flickering towards the agent who had spoken.

"Is it just me, or has this kid grown a bit taller and looks more mature?" Jessica, the lady among them, observed as she approached Jeremy. "I might need to recruit this kid to my guild under my supervision."

Jeremy's gaze shifted to Jessica, his thoughts swirling with confusion and uncertainty. "Well, just like the way the world works, the higher the dungeon, the higher the income and danger," he pondered, his hand instinctively coming to rest on his chin as he considered the implications of the agent's words.

"You sure are impressive for a starter," Jessica continued, extending her hand toward Jeremy for a handshake. "My name is Jessica, pleased to work with you."

Jeremy hesitated for a moment, his gaze fixed on Jessica's outstretched hand. "What's up with this woman?" he wondered silently, his mind racing with questions.

With no other choice, Jeremy reluctantly accepted the handshake, his hand trembling slightly as it came into contact with Jessica's soft skin. "I am Jeremy, pleased to work with you," he mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper.

As their hands separated, Jeremy's eyes fell on the paper that had materialized in his palm. "I'll send a personal mail to you, so check your phone by 4 pm tomorrow," it read.

Looking up, Jeremy met Jessica's warm smile as she turned to take her leave. His mind buzzed with unanswered questions and newfound possibilities as he watched her go, his heart heavy with uncertainty yet brimming with hope for the future.

Jeremy's mind raced as he processed the information from the paper. With a nod to the agents, he muttered a quick farewell and turned on his heel, making a swift exit from the construction site.

Once outside, he pulled out his phone and quickly checked the time. It was already late, and the events of the day had left him feeling drained and disoriented.

As he walked through the bustling streets, Jeremy couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him. The encounter with the beast, the mysterious system, and Jessica's cryptic message all weighed heavily on his mind, leaving him feeling more lost and uncertain than ever.

With each step he took, Jeremy's thoughts swirled with questions and doubts. What did the system mean by "be reborn with an ascendant system"? And what did Jessica want with him?

As he wandered through the crowded streets, Jeremy's mind raced with possibilities. He knew he needed to find answers, but where to start?

With a sense of determination, Jeremy pulled up his email and scrolled through his messages, searching for any sign of Jessica's mail.

However, what he saw, was a message with a subject line that read "Important Information." With a deep breath, Jeremy opened the email and began to read, his heart pounding with anticipation.

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