Chapter 5 (The Ascendant system)

As Jeremy stepped through the portal, a blinding light assaulted his senses, causing him to shield his eyes instinctively. After a few moments, the brightness faded, allowing him to take in his surroundings.

The place he found himself in, resembled a dark, cavernous cave, its walls lined with jagged rocks that jutted out ominously. As he ventured further into the cave with a burning torch, Jeremy's heart pounded in his chest with each step, his nerves on edge as he braced himself for what lay ahead.

Bats fluttered overhead, their wings casting eerie shadows against the cavern walls, while rodents scurried along the ground, their beady eyes glinting in the dim light. Despite the unsettling atmosphere, Jeremy pressed on, determined to fulfill his mission and change his fate.

"With this simple mission, I can change my story," Jeremy thought to himself, his resolve strengthened by the prospect of a better future. Consulting the guidebook he had brought along, he reviewed the grades of beasts and their respective levels of danger.

To his relief, he discovered that he had been assigned to battle the weakest grade—a Grade D-. With a smile of confidence, Jeremy continued on his path, his determination unwavering as he prepared to face his first challenge.

But as he ventured deeper into the cave, his optimism was shattered by a deep, guttural growl that echoed through the darkness. Frozen in place, Jeremy's blood ran cold as he realized that he was not alone.

A pair of red eyes glowed menacingly from the shadows, sending a shiver down his spine. With trembling hands, Jeremy clutched the sword he had been provided, his mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

And then, emerging from the darkness, came the figure of a beast—a wolf with thick brown fur, sharp fangs, and claws, its humanoid physique exuding an aura of primal menace. Panic seized Jeremy's heart as he stared into the creature's frenzied eyes, his limbs paralyzed with terror.

"I'm dead," Jeremy thought despairingly, his mind reeling with the sudden realization of the danger he was facing. In that moment of paralyzing fear, he could no longer feel his legs beneath him, his hands shaking uncontrollably as he braced himself for the inevitable confrontation with the fearsome beast.

As the menacing wolf-like creature lunged forward with terrifying speed, Jeremy's instincts kicked in, and he raised his sword in a feeble attempt at defense. But it was too late. The beast's razor-sharp claws slashed through the air, tearing through Jeremy's defenses as if they were nothing more than paper.

With a sickening thud, Jeremy was knocked to the ground, the force of the impact driving the breath from his lungs. Pain shot through his body as he felt the beast's claws rake across his skin, leaving deep gashes in their wake.

Gasping for air, Jeremy struggled to regain his footing, his vision blurred by the blood that trickled into his eyes. Desperation fueled his movements as he attempted to fend off the relentless onslaught of the creature, but his efforts were in vain.

With each passing moment, Jeremy felt himself growing weaker, his strength draining away with every blow. The sound of his ragged breathing filled his ears as he fought to stay conscious, his body battered and bruised from the ferocity of the beast's attacks.

In a last-ditch effort to defend himself, Jeremy swung his sword with all the strength he could muster, but the blade shattered upon impact, leaving him defenseless against the creature's relentless assault.

Bruised, bloodied, and battered, Jeremy lay helpless on the ground, his body wracked with pain as he awaited the final blow. The taste of blood filled his mouth as he struggled to remain conscious, his world spinning in a haze of agony and despair.

As Jeremy's consciousness faded into darkness, his body growing weaker with each passing moment, he felt the beast looming over him, its red eyes glowing with malevolent intent. With a final, brutal slash, the creature delivered a devastating blow across Jeremy's face, sending him spiraling into oblivion.

And then, mercifully, darkness enveloped him, the pain fading into oblivion as he slipped into unconsciousness, his fate uncertain in the face of the beast's savage fury.


'You have been killed by a weak beast,'

a notification suddenly appeared in Jeremy's stream of consciousness, jolting him back to awareness. Panic surged through him as he read the message, his mind reeling with confusion and fear.

'You have two options: 1) Stay still and die, 2) Be reborn with an ascendant system and rule the world... You have twenty seconds to decide.'

The notification continued to blink, its ominous words echoing in the darkness.

With trembling hands, Jeremy struggled to comprehend the situation. How was he still alive? And what did the second option entail? Frantically, he weighed his choices, his mind racing with uncertainty.

In a moment of desperation, Jeremy made a split-second decision before the twenty seconds timer went out, choosing the second option without hesitation. Almost immediately, a surge of power coursed through his veins, filling him with strength and resolve.

Jeremy unleashed a burst of energy that sent the beast hurtling backward with explosive force. The creature crashed into the wall with a sickening thud, its lifeless form slumping to the ground in a pool of blood.

As Jeremy rose to his feet, a yellow otherworldly glow enveloped his body, imbuing him with a sense of power and purpose. With each step he took, the glow intensified, radiating with an otherworldly brilliance that illuminated the darkness around him.

"Well, what do we have here?" Jeremy mused, his voice tinged with a newfound confidence. He felt that he was no longer bound by the limitations of his former self and that he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

'D-rank beast has been defeated, 10xp points granted. Tap the stats menu to check your stats.'

"What... what is this?" Jeremy muttered, his voice laced with disbelief as he stared at the panel of stats that had appeared before him.

"It is your status menu," the system replied, its voice echoing in Jeremy's mind. "It shows your current attributes and experience points. With each battle you win, you'll gain experience and improve your abilities."

Jeremy's mind raced as he processed the information, his thoughts spinning with the implications of his newly gotten powers. With each passing moment, he felt a sense of excitement building within him, the thrill of adventure beckoning him forward into the unknown.

With a sense of determination, Jeremy tapped into the menu, exploring the various attributes that defined his newfound abilities. Strength, agility, vitality—the possibilities seemed endless, each stat representing a facet of his ascendant form.

'Strength (STR) - 2, Agility (AGI) - 2, Vitality (VIT) - 4, Intelligence (INT) - Nil, Charisma (CHA) - Nil, Luck (LUK) - Nil, Stamina (STA) - 2, Experience Points (EXP) - 10/100exp.'

As he studied the panel, Jeremy felt a surge of energy coursing through him, empowering him with a sense of purpose.

Closing his eyes, Jeremy took a deep breath, his mind racing with the possibilities that lay ahead. With his power and the guidance of the system, he knew that he was capable of achieving greatness, rising above the limitations of his former self, and forging a new destiny for himself.

With a sense of hysteria tinged with exhilaration, Jeremy uttered a single word, his voice filled with determination.

"Let's go!"

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