Chapter 4 (First mission)

Jeremy wasted no time in dealing with his phone, the device now a lifeline to his newfound destiny. With trembling hands, he navigated to the website once more, his heart pounding in his chest as he revisited the details of his acceptance into the world of exorcism.

Scrolling through the lengthy terms and conditions, Jeremy's eyes glazed over the fine print, his mind racing with anticipation. With a deep breath, he filled in his private details and signed, sealing his fate with a digital flourish.

He accepted his first mission which would be in the evening, but before that, he had to meet with some of those agents who were representatives at a construction site by 5 pm.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through him, the thrill of the unknown propelling him forward with renewed purpose. But amidst the excitement, a pang of apprehension tugged at his conscience, a reminder of the risks and dangers that lay ahead.

With a sense of determination, Jeremy made a silent vow to himself to uphold the secrecy of his newfound identity, to protect both himself and his mother from the dangers that lurked in the shade. But even as he steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead, a sense of unease gnawed at the corners of his mind, a reminder of the delicate balance between duty and deception.

"The only problem here is that I cannot reveal my identity as an exorcist to anyone, neither can I introduce anyone to it." Jeremy thought as he let out a sigh. Inwardly, he was happy that he hadn't been caught by the course instructor, if not he would not have stumbled upon this work due to the teacher seizing his phone.

As Jeremy sat through the remainder of his classes, his mind was consumed by the weight of the decision he had made. The allure of the exorcist job hung over him like a shadow, its promise of wealth and opportunity beckoning to him with irresistible temptation.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Jeremy wasted no time discreetly slipping out of the classroom. With a sense of urgency gnawing at his insides, he hurriedly made his way out of the school, he didn't even bother to say his goodbyes to his one and only friend _ Sarah, his thoughts consumed by the impending meeting at the construction site.

As he walked, Jeremy couldn't shake the feeling of excitement that coursed through him, the prospect of his first mission as an exorcist filling him with a sense of exhilaration. But beneath the surface, a nagging doubt lingered, a whisper of uncertainty that tugged at the corners of his mind.

As the hours passed and evening descended upon the city, Jeremy prepared to embark on his first mission as an exorcist. But before he could take his first step into this new world, he had one final task to accomplish—to deceive his mother with a lie that would keep her safe from the truth of his dangerous new occupation.

With a heavy heart, Jeremy composed a message to his mother, fabricating a story about a sleepover at a friend's house. It was a lie born out of necessity, a necessary deception to protect her from the harsh realities of his newfound calling.

As he hit send, Jeremy couldn't help but feel a sharp pain of guilt chewing at his conscience, a reminder of the sacrifices he would have to make in pursuit of a better future. But amidst the guilt and uncertainty, a glimmer of hope burned bright within him, a beacon of light in the darkness that lay ahead.


As Jeremy arrived at the construction site, his heart pounded in his chest with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. With trembling hands, he pulled out his phone and dialed the number provided in the email, his pulse quickening as he waited for someone to pick up.

Almost immediately, a voice answered from the other end, brisk and businesslike. Without wasting time, the person on the line directed Jeremy on where to climb and the turns to make to reach their location before cutting the call abruptly.

With a deep breath, Jeremy followed the instructions, his nerves on edge as he navigated through the maze of scaffolding and construction equipment. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead as he finally caught sight of the agents, a sense of relief flooding through him.

Summoning his courage, Jeremy approached the agents with a forced smile, his heart pounding in his chest with a mixture of excitement and fear.

After thirty minutes of introductions and preparation, it was finally time for Jeremy to embark on his first mission as an exorcist.

As he checked the job details sent to his email, Jeremy's stomach churned with apprehension. The agents noticed his unease and attempted to reassure him, their friendly smiles failing to ease his growing sense of dread.

"Don't worry about it," a lady among the agents spoke, her voice tinged with false cheer. "You'll just be defeating a few weak animals, collecting some crystals, ability books, or animal skins, and coming out unscathed. And the money is all yours."

Despite their attempts to reassure him, Jeremy couldn't shake the feeling of unease that nibbled at him from within. The scared expression on his face did not escape the notice of the agents, and their friendly demeanor quickly turned to one of concern.

"Didn't you see the description?" an aged man with a potbelly and short stature inquired, his brow furrowed with worry.

Panicked thoughts raced through Jeremy's mind as he grappled with the reality of the situation. "What have I gotten myself into? I did sign the oath of secrecy..."

Summoning every ounce of courage he could muster, Jeremy forced a smile and nodded. "Well, it's just a simple mission to kill animals, right? I'm ready to go!"

"That's the spirit!" one of the agents exclaimed, clapping him on the back in a gesture of encouragement.

Without further ado, a blue portal was opened by some sort of machine prepared by the agents. "Go in!" A young man urged, his voice urgent.

With a deep breath, Jeremy stepped forward, his heart hammering in his chest as he crossed the threshold into the unknown. Beads of sweat glistened on his forehead as he disappeared into the portal, leaving behind the safety of the familiar world for the perilous realm of his first mission as an exorcist.

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