Chapter 9 (The hidden quest)

Jeremy stood in the bathroom, lost in thought as the water droplets from his recent shower fell to the floor, creating a soothing echo in the quiet room. He had just completed his daily tasks, a routine he followed diligently to improve himself.

'Daily challenge completed√'

<<2 stats points has been added to user.>.

'Would user like to assign SP automatically?'

With a hint of skepticism, Jeremy responded to the prompt asking if he wanted his skill points allocated automatically. "Yes?" he mused, surprised by the seemingly intuitive nature of the system.

Immediately, the system allocated his skill points, enhancing his abilities without any input from him. Jeremy couldn't help but wonder if the system was somehow able to read his thoughts.

Curiosity piqued, Jeremy decided to check his stats. He quietly uttered the command, "View stats."

In response, the system displayed Jeremy's current attributes and their respective levels. His Strength (STR) had increased by one point to a total of three, while his Agility (AGI) remained at two. His Vitality (VIT) had improved to four, indicating his increased endurance. However, his Intelligence (INT), Charisma (CHA), and Luck (LUK) remained at zero.

Jeremy couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at his progress, yet he couldn't shake the thought that the system had overlooked certain areas. He wondered what would happen if he were to complete the daily tasks twice in a day. Would it further enhance his abilities?

As he stared at his tired hands and weak body, Jeremy contemplated the toll the daily tasks took on him. While he acknowledged that they were challenging, he couldn't help but wonder if pushing himself further would yield even greater results.

With a determined glint in his eyes, Jeremy resolved to take on the challenge of completing the daily tasks twice in a single day. He knew it would be a test of his physical and mental limits, but he was willing to push himself to the edge in order to achieve his goals.

Little did Jeremy know that this decision would set him on a path of self-discovery, growth, and unforeseen adventures. The journey ahead would be filled with excitement, drama, and unexpected twists.

"This place feels so empty," Jeremy remarked as his hands reached for the towel he had hung. The silence echoed in the room, amplifying his thoughts.

"I'm shocked that she wants me to join her guild," Jeremy pondered, his mind filled with doubts. He had done his research and discovered that most guilds only recruited C-ranked hunters and above. The weaker hunters were left scrambling for recognition on or through the forbidden link.

Ah, the forbidden link, a site notorious for hosting the most devilish and brutish jobs. Some of them were even illegal. It served as the bridge between the natural and supernatural worlds, a place where the line between ordinary and extraordinary blurred.

"Does she know about the system?" Jeremy mused, his eyebrow arched in curiosity. He had been selected by the system to receive enhanced abilities, and he wondered if his potential guild leader was aware of this. If she did, she would have treated him differently, giving him special treatment.

"No, she couldn't have known," Jeremy concluded, shaking his head. "In my scenario, she would have given me preferential treatment. She must see something in me, but just how much did she see into?"

He likened his situation to that of a middle-tier soccer club poaching a young player with a promising future.

He jumped into his bed in a supine manner, staring up at the ceiling. Jeremy a few days earlier had decided to change his abode to a better inn, even though it was almost triple the cost. He was concerned about the strain it would put on his budget, knowing the financial struggles his mother faced. He wanted to ease her burden, even if it meant sacrificing his own comfort.

However, things were not progressing as smoothly as he had hoped. The challenges and obstacles seemed to multiply, hindering his progress.

"30,000 rons per successful raid is a decent payout," Jeremy thought aloud, contemplating the rewards he would receive. "It's even higher than my mother's monthly payment by ten thousand. But is this the life I want? Am I not just another cog in the wheel, a slave to the hunter's system? I could have easily died if not for the system's intervention. And who knows the true limits of its help?"

Determined to break free from the chains of poverty and weakness, Jeremy clenched his fist. "This is just the beginning," he declared. "I need more strength. Being poor is just evidence of being weak. I refuse to accept this fate!"


A notification popped up before Jeremy's eyes, capturing his attention.

'Hidden quest!'

'Do you want to accept?'

Excitement surged through him as he read the message. This was an opportunity for something beyond the ordinary. Jeremy's heart raced with anticipation as he considered whether to accept the hidden quest. The stakes were high, but Jeremy was ready to embrace the challenge and carve his own destiny.

Jeremy pondered over the hidden quest before him, unsure of what it entailed. How could he accept something he knew nothing about? Doubts filled his mind, but as he contemplated, a transformation occurred. His frown slowly blended into a smile, and then widened into a confident grin.

"A hidden quest," Jeremy thought to himself, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "Surely, it would bring heavy rewards. I accept!"

With a resolute declaration, Jeremy made his decision known.

'Congrats on having the courage to become an ascendant. Now, complete the quest: 'A Heart of Steel' - Survive a C+ ranked dungeon in 2:00:00.'

'You can choose to start now or later, but be warned, if you do not enter the quest within twenty minutes, you will be forced to participate.'

'Good luck! 19:45.'

Jeremy's heart sank as he read the requirements of the quest. A C+ ranked dungeon? The fear and anxiety welled up within him, threatening to consume his resolve.

"Like I even have a choice to do it later," he grumbled, frustration evident in his voice.

Taking a deep breath, Jeremy steeled himself and made his decision.

"I accept to begin the quest!" he declared, his voice filled with determination.

Almost immediately, a sensation of otherworldliness washed over him, and Jeremy found himself transmigrated to another dimension. The air crackled with energy, and the surroundings took on an ethereal quality. He had entered the dimension of the supernatural.

The countdown began.






The ticking seconds on the timer intensified the gravity of the situation. Jeremy's heart pounded in his chest as he prepared himself for the challenges that lay ahead. This was no ordinary test. It was a battle for survival, where every second mattered.

With a surge of adrenaline, Jeremy braced himself for the unknown. The quest had begun, and he was determined to emerge victorious. The fate of his future hung in the balance, and he was determined to carve his own destiny in this supernatural realm.

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