Chapter 8 (Contract)

Jeremy's eyes widened in awe as he beheld the magnificent bungalow before him. The architectural design was exquisite, with its elegant facade and grand entrance. The building exuded an air of sophistication and luxury, with its well-manicured gardens and tasteful landscaping.

As Jeremy glanced at his old wristwatch, he realized that it was 3:59:47, just a few seconds away from his desired time of entry. He let out a sigh, his anticipation growing as he waited for the clock to strike four. Time seemed to slow down as he eagerly anticipated stepping foot inside the building.

Before opening the front door, Jeremy's eyes fell upon a signboard, confirming that he had indeed arrived at the right venue. The sign read, "The Dark Horses Guild." Jeremy's heart raced with excitement as he realized he was about to enter a place of mystery and intrigue.

"Okay, here we go," Jeremy mumbled to himself, his hand grasping the door knob. With a slight creak, the door swung open, revealing a room filled with bustling activity. The office room was spacious, accommodating up to thirty people, yet it still maintained an open and inviting atmosphere.

Jeremy marveled at how his senses seemed heightened in this moment. The sights, sounds, and even the faintest of scents seemed more vivid and vibrant than ever before. It was as if the building itself had infused him with a newfound sense of awareness.

"I believe you're the guest the boss is expecting," a young lady, approximately 18 to 20 years old, spoke as she approached Jeremy. She was dressed in a stylish black and white corporate dress, clutching a book that resembled a waiter's order list.

"Her name must be Linda, and she seems to be the receptionist for the guild," Jeremy thought to himself, glancing at the name tag adorning the lady's shirt. He couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if he hadn't shown up as expected.

"Follow me," Linda instructed, leading Jeremy to another room. As they walked, Jeremy couldn't help but take in his surroundings, marveling at the design and layout of the building. Each office room they passed seemed to hold its own secrets, with numbers ranging from ten to one and an extra room.

Finally, Linda stopped at room number one and gave two gentle knocks before opening the door. She gestured for Jeremy to enter, and he stepped inside, his eyes scanning the room. It was a typical office space, not as grand as Jeremy had imagined, but still filled with an air of professionalism. However, any disappointment quickly dissipated as Jeremy's attention was captured by the radiant smile of the person he had been eagerly anticipating.

"You may have a seat," Jessica, the boss, said warmly, her voice filled with hospitality. Jeremy couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and curiosity as he took his seat, ready to embark on the journey that awaited him in the Dark Horses Guild.

For the next thirty minutes, Jessica delved into the basic details of the contract and provided some information about the guild. However, Jeremy couldn't help but notice that she deliberately left out certain key pieces of information. Also, he couldn't help but wonder why she would allow her receptionist, Linda, to be present during a contract negotiation process.

As Jeremy glanced back at Linda, he noticed that she kept her gaze fixed on the ground. It was clear that she was trying not to intrude on the conversation, but her presence still raised questions in Jeremy's mind.

"Does Linda's presence disturb you?" Jessica inquired, her expression calm and composed.

Jeremy shook his head and smiled. "No, not at all."

"Well, that's just a testament to how dear and trustworthy our people are to us," Jessica explained, a hint of pride in her voice. "We value the relationships we have within the guild, and everyone plays an important role."

As Jessica continued to speak, she revealed more about the structure of the guild. There were various roles, including the guild master, advisors, support staff, partners, sponsors, and members. The members consisted of hunters or exorcists, depending on their preference and abilities.

"I am currently filling in for the guild master, who is also a hunter and nearing retirement," Jessica explained. "Because of his limited availability, I have taken on the role of his personal assistant. And Linda here is the secretary of the guild, as well as my personal assistant when Guild Master Lin is not available."

Jeremy couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that Jessica was not the ultimate boss of the guild. He had initially assumed that she held the highest position, but now it was clear that there was someone else in charge.

"So, you're not the boss here," Jeremy stated rhetorically, trying to hide his surprise.

Jessica chuckled softly. "I'm afraid not," she replied. "But I assure you, the guild master holds great respect and influence within and outside our organization."

As Jeremy processed this new information, a nagging thought crossed his mind. He couldn't help but wonder if this contract he was about to sign was some kind of trap. There were still so many unanswered questions, and the missing details made him skeptical. He decided to observe the situation more closely before making any hasty decisions.

"We should have wrapped things up here," Jessica began, her tone serious. "However, due to the fact that you are underage, our negotiations will have to remain a secret, even from other guilds and exorcists."

She paused for a moment, a thoughtful expression on her face, before continuing, "We could potentially face legal repercussions for this, but I believe that you are special."

With those words, Jessica placed the contract details on the table and slid the paper towards Jeremy. The weight of the decision ahead hung in the air. Jeremy knew that he was only sixteen years old, and according to the rules, he would be limited to participating in D-dungeons and would always need to be accompanied by experienced exorcists. However, the contract Jessica was offering him would nullify those limitations and allow him to explore dungeons of higher levels. Not only that, but the pay would also be significantly higher.

Jeremy hesitated for a moment, realizing the implications of signing such a contract. It was illegal and went against the regulations set by the guild. But at the same time, it presented an opportunity for him to surpass his current limitations and achieve greater success. He needed time to carefully consider the consequences before making a decision.

"Don't get your hopes up," Jeremy finally spoke, his voice firm. "I need time to go over the contract before I can agree."

The room fell silent, the tension palpable. Jessica's expression remained impassive, but Jeremy could sense that she was not pleased with his response.

"Okay then," she replied, her tone professional. "I'll give you a week to review the contract. Report back to me within that time, or our negotiation will be null and void."

With those words, the meeting came to an end, and Jeremy left the building, the weight of the decision still heavy on his mind.

Meanwhile, back in her office, Jessica reclined in her chair, her head resting on the backrest. Thoughts swirled in her mind as she contemplated the situation.

"Tsk! That boy now has the upper hand by postponing the signing of the contract," she muttered to herself. "He's quite the savvy businessman."

She knew that she had to find a way to win Jeremy over to her side. She couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. Somehow, she had been the only one to notice the changes in Jeremy after he emerged from the dungeon. If anyone else were to discover his potential and use it against them, it would not bode well for the guild.

Deep in thought, Jessica knew that she had to devise a plan to secure Jeremy's allegiance, no matter the cost. The stakes were high, and she was determined to stay one step ahead.

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