Chapter 42 (Insane)

**[B ranked beast has been defeated]**

**[Wave 2 has been completed]**

**[Wave 3/7 underway]**

**[User has ascended]**

**[User can now choose to quit wave in-game]**

“Wait, so even if I had used the dimensional key, I wouldn’t have been able to escape earlier?” Jeremy pondered, the weight of the battle still hanging in the air. “I really would have died if not for the old man.”

“You know, Blackthorn was a natural leader, even though he was quite crazy in the head,” Owen remarked, his heavy breathing disrupting the flow of his words as he leaned against a nearby tree for support, the remnants of their recent struggle evident in his demeanor.

“What was his goal? What did he aim to achieve so badly that he went to such extremes?” Jeremy inquired, curiosity flaring within him.

“That I cannot tell you, kid. The mention of it could destroy your life. I'd rather you remain oblivious to it,” Owen replied, his tone serious, a shadow crossing his face.

“Still, you know nothing can beat curiosit
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