Chapter 41 (Victory)

“Just a little closer…” Jeremy grunted, finally managing to grasp the key. The moment he felt the cool metal in his hand, a wave of relief washed over him. He could still turn the tide if he could just find a way to use it.

Jeremy focused on the key, feeling its power surge through him.

“Owen, I’m coming!” he yelled, preparing to activate the dimensional key to give them a chance to regroup.

But the beast had other plans. It had spotted Jeremy moving, its eyes narrowing as it honed in on the vulnerable target, charging toward him with terrifying speed.

“Jeremy! Get out of the way!” Owen shouted, panic flooding his voice as he saw the impending doom.

In a split second, Jeremy made a choice. He could either run or stand his ground. “I won’t run,” he declared, before the beast sent him crashing into another rock once again.

Owen stood alone, the creature loomed over him, its massive form a tempest of fury and strength. Each strike against it had been met with relentless force, and Owen
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