Chapter 40 (Tension)

Jeremy felt the weight of the katana in his hand, its blade gleaming with a fierce light that seemed to respond to the energy of the user.

He aimed for the beast’s left arm, where he had previously cut tendons. “Let’s see if I can finish what I started!” he thought, slashing his katana with all his might.

The blade connected with a satisfying thud, carving through the ape's flesh and eliciting another deafening roar of pain.

Blood sprayed from the wound, and for a moment, Jeremy felt a rush of exhilaration. He had landed a decisive hit, and the beast was staggered once more.

“Jeremy, keep it distracted!” Owen called out, trying to regain his footing after the earlier assault. The vampire was still recovering from the brutal impact against the tree, but he was pushing himself to rise, determination etched on his face.

“Got it!” Jeremy replied, working to keep the beast’s attention on him. He darted around the ape, weaving in and out of its massive limbs, striking whenever the opportu
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