Chapter 48 (Samantha)

Linda felt her heart race, the adrenaline coursing through her veins as she drew upon her magical energy, anxiety mingling with determination.

Jeremy, caught up in the chaos, glanced at Linda, their eyes locking for a brief moment.

"Ready?" he mouthed, and she nodded, steeling herself for whatever horrors lay ahead.

As the echo of the cry faded, a low growl reverberated from the depths of the dungeon, accompanied by the sound of claws scraping against stone.

Suddenly, out of the shadows emerged a pack of C+ rank drakehounds, their eyes glowing with a predatory hunger.

The Drakehound is a formidable beast resembling a blend of a large, predatory canine and a mythical dragon.

It stands on four muscular legs, each ending in powerful, clawed paws capable of rending through flesh and bone.

Its body is covered in dark, scaled fur that shimmers with an iridescent sheen. The Drakehound's long, sinuous tail is tipped with a barbed, spiked end, and its head features a pair of piercing, reptil
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