Chapter 50 (Weak)

“One, two, three! That’s the spirit!” The figure dressed in a white overall burst into the scene, a pendant dangling from his neck and an unsettling ear-to-ear grin plastered across his pale face.

“Who is this guy?” Jeremy thought, instinctively tightening his grip around the hilt of his sword, a cold shiver running down his spine.

“Oh?! What are these hunters doing here?” The creature’s grin widened impossibly, and he began pulling at his wild hair as if in some manic frenzy.

“We just bumped into a creep,” Warhuz muttered, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up as he eyed the eccentric figure warily.

“Who?! Who?! Who?! Who?! Who?! Who?!!! Are you all?!!!” the being ululated, veins pulsing grotesquely through his pale neck, a bizarre mix of excitement and madness lighting up his features.

“We are the inevitable…” Jotaro responded calmly, his voice steady despite the absurdity surrounding them. “Prepare yourself; they are coming.”

“They are?” Linda mused, a flicker of fear cros
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