Vampire Capture Squad

The huge trees of Drago Capital Forest stood tall with huge trees spotting lusciously thick boughs and multicolored leaves as well as multicolored wild fruits, beautifying the horizon of the dusk sky and the thick scent of dew wet vegetation.

 The forest was the mine field of the Drakons as well as the field territory of the CFR with their pretext of reserving wild life whereas they were only concerned about the scanty dragon population that they kept watch on.

In a pathway, spanning from the Forest Pillars, two lean, abnormally long figures at height of 7 feet, strolled into view. Upon closer observation, one could notice the obviously sharp tip of exposed fangs that curved out a little on their lower lips while their skin was a pale ghastly color of light brown, each of them wearing a sort of featureless dark robes that however highlighted their shapes.

They were Adzes, commonly referred to as Vampires of light and Dusk was their activity time. 

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