What a Welcome!

Who was the lady and why in the name of the Gods and the seven heavens was this Demi of an Ascender letting go away? Was she not an scender too? Or was there some ulterior motive to this supposed act of generoisty on ehr part? 

Bayo wondered, lots of thougths forming in his head. He was an Ascender too and he knew very much that this Demi was definitely not on his level. H eowuld b a fool to think that she was on his own level. 

Not even Shin, Bayo surmised, could hold water agaisnt her. So, why then did she nto wnat to act liek the otehr Ascender and hav a fill at him. 

Looking back, Bayo remembered how his meeting with the siblings had always played out. Iw as either they tried to attack or they tought him to be less of their time. But then again, the only person who had taken the other optionw a


Wow, day light robbery. That is really bold. Or rather, Daylight Kidnapping. Nice. And we have finally made it out to Tuxela now. Goodbye to the Laprisha arc. So, lets see some toehr characters here and now. Hooray

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