Yasmin Vs Ralia II pt 1

Ralia phased into solidity, groaning with the placement of one hand in her knee cap while the other hand was fisted into the ground, even as she grimaced.

Just how fast was this Yasmin? He was so fast that it looked as if he was only toying with her. 

Messing around with her until he had had his fun and when she was all worn out and stuff, he would strike, decisively, one full swing to end the entire game.

She bared her teeth. She could not allow it to come to that. She needed to be proactive, even faster than the first born was. So that in the end, only one person would walk out from all this chaos. 

And that person would be her own self. She just had to make sure of it.

"Are you still sure about this?" A voice sou

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