118. A Proposed Court Trial

“Mhmm...” The man with the red band on his head ached and then rose to a sitting position. 

He had placed the right hand to his head, his eyes shut even as he nursed the headache which he had currently. He was bare chested, his chest wound with bandages, from his chest to the armpit of the right hand. 

Opening his eyes to the dark room, he blinked now, allowing himself to come to terms with where he was.

A spark of recognition flared within his mind and he groaned in respect of it. The battle was over.

He had lost. And right now, he was right in the home of the healer. The irunmole lady in the whole of the town, Iyabo.

“Gah... Tch...” Chef Bamiro frowned some more in pain and rubbed his head together. As he did


More fights or some peacemaking? I don't know. I just know that I didn't let Chief Bamiro have some badass moves and it feels wrong. Chief Bamiro is someone other leaders are scared of so they don't bother him or the town. It would be bad to learn that a Hadjan and a Familair defeated him. Even if this is to redeem his reputation, he has to still find d them...

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