158. Ronke's Conviction

Most times, the purpose of the council meeting is not often to seek approval from the people of the town.  It is more engineered to give them an update, rateh tha to seek what they did think about the whole idea of what was being presented to them.

The People of the Familiar Realms had a rather dynamic style of government. And even if they did live by what was best of the town,  and from the general inclusion of the Town, it was not every time that the town often had a say in what did happen  in the town.

And they did not not complain.

After all, as long as the Government of the day, that is, the council of Fabrington could go all out to ensure that they did have a town that was working, devoid of any mishap and criminality and above all, kept them safe form the Demon Waves which did happen every t


It is very easy for people to misunderstand things, so here goes. And clearly, we should be able to speak with clear words of what we mean at the very start fo things. Ronke missed this. See the result of it now...

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