What is this special ritual which must be undergone by the Hadjans? And when must it be? Is there a specific period of age which is best known to haetge most effectual result or what more is there to it?
Unlike the other cultures of other realms, the knowledge about the Hadjan Ritual bath is not strange or hidden to others. Although the definite details about the ceremony such as how and what is used exactly to stimulate the absorption of Agbara in the body and the other things are not known. That we can believe it to be as the reason why the Hadjan Commune would remain to be aloof despite the investigations on this special ritual of theirs.Every culture has their secrets. This rtiitual bath and it's constituents are readily hidden to preserve the sovereignty of the Hadjan Commune. Although there have been special trades with other people and other racesby the Commune. People who have likewise being denied the bountiful goodness of Agbara and yr have been of marvelouAnd he, the Chief of Fair Weather, was not eager to be one of the many that this technique would fall. Instead, he reasoned, he had to look for a way to break his own seal, regroup or rethink and then come up with a better way to seal this Lady. For one, the Law of Seals was focused more on protection. It was the perfect counter against the Law of War which was more
You ever heard of the infamous Orisha of War? That is the aid of War, Ogun? You must have heard of him. For he is a very important Orisha. After all, only the important ones happen to have the Irunmoles who are waiting on them. <
Chief Bamiro’s eyes widened now as he prepared himself for the next onslaught which was launched out against him. He had expected that this would pretty much be it, after all, considering how the Hadjan lady had launched out against him earlier, there was no turning back from it. But to see that she would not even listen to the one person who she had adored so much
“Ah!” The figure with a slightly glowing body moaned as he tried to rise up fomt eh laying position which he had been in since. Getting up to sit was hard for him as every part of his body screamed in ache now but then he preserved, pushing himself to get up to that pose. With A blank look on his face, he looked up and down, trying to ascertain where he was. For the
The stones appeared to be living, reminding him once of the Magmorians who lived at the other end of the Exotic World Bridge of Amnor. He got to his feet now and slowly picked his way through the gigantic piece of living stones, making his way to Shin. And once he was there, he moved to pick up Hadjan’s hand and then pulled him up to his shoulder. Doing that, the Ha
Moremi. What is it about her that would have made the gods look down with pity and make her one of them? Although it can be argued that it is not only the Orisha pantheon who can deduct others In fact, some other school of thought may have it that the gods themselves do not have the power to make others gods. Beyond them is what they would usually end such arguments or thoughts. They do claim that if this was the case, then what would be the position of Eledumare the supreme creator in all of this? To make them being able to make others one of them would not only make Eledumare more insignificant. It would challenge the very need for belief in his being. Which to say the least, would be rather disastrous. We don't want that, do we? While I would like to argue about this in full intensity, no one for sure can know the full extent of the capabilities of t
What does the clothing made of raffia grass imply to the laymen? One may argue that the tribesmen who wore them only sought to be free in their movements as they brought carnage and destruction to all others. While that may be a very fair point to consider, let us not forget that all is not what it seems in war. In war, a lot of things are masked so that in the achievement of the end goal, there is a greater satisfaction in knowing the enemy is utterly confused and unable to take revenge. It is by far satisfying, having to cripple to the last bits the enemy that fights with you. However with the tribesmen from the East, the argument would be biased. Why? It was simply because of the clothing of raffia grass skirt that they had on, they had a charm woven protection in it. Yes, after all, who would want to go to ba
We must commend Moremi. Her people had a problem and she stepped up accordingly to settle it.the settlement of that, she made sure it was quick and rapid to the task. Here is how her story did go. Or rather how the story of her kingdom did go. AtAsked by the tribe men from the East, the tribe had suffered a great deal. Scarcity of food, curfews and protected movements were the norm of the town. And this was something that could not be negotiated. It had to be. Because in the absence of that, there was little to no way the people could be protected. The attackers were brutal with their attacks. They did not waste time and they were totally invincible. So powerful that even the strongest of men, in terms of skills, were fr