82. Toe to Toe
last update2021-12-18 19:13:45

Hadjans know only one thing.

And that is to fight to the last breath. 

Let us consider. The nature of the Hadjans is one which is not common. Of course there have been other races with much more difficulty tapping into the ambient Agbara stream that is ever present in our realities. The Hadjans would not be the first.

But then, considering the size ratio of theHadkans to almost any other race, the Hadjans may be exempted. 


Oftentimes, other races with a small body ratio and then with no access to aahbara often have some ability rk complement. It would be folly to universally agree that all spirit races are not allowed access to Agbara. After all, what makes a spirit being is the constituent particles


Check back again. My schedules are killing... EDIT: Edited the chapter to its full length. You shold expect a massive upload of chapters by next week. Not thisweek.

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