
He tapped the answer button and the call connected. 

“You good for nothing asshole! Do you have any idea how many important deliveries we have missed because of your insensitivity and inability to report to work on time?” the caller yelled. It happened to be his boss from one of his part time jobs. He was supposed to report to work that morning but he couldn't because he was in prison. He tried to explain but his boss would hear nothing of that sort. 

“Keep that slimy excuse to yourself. You made the manager scold me today. You are fired and your wages and deposit will be used to fill up the damages you caused.”

No! Not another bad news. This was his most paying job. The man who just called was his merciless boss in the delivery department. He hated Jake and spared no opportunity to mistreat him. Jake could manage being fired but at least, he had to be given his wages. That was the only money that sustained him!

“Hey! Move!” the strange man gave him a rough kick on his side. He winced in pain and cursed in his heart but all he could do was move as he was instructed. 

He got into the man's car, which was by far the most luxurious car he had ever seen. The house he was taken to was a very lovely one. He gawped at the luxury and admired the fine walls and intricate designs in the building. 

“Quit staring! You are here to work and not stare!” the man snapped. 

“I'm sorry, sir,” he bowed low and apologized immediately. He didn't want to do anything to infuriate his employer who was undeniably his benefactor. 

“It's Mr Brian. I find it more respectful and polite instead of sir.”

“I'm sorry, Mr Brian.”

“Come with me.”

He took Jake to a wide expanse of land and said to him, 

“Clear it.”

Jake stared at the land before him in disbelief. 

“Okay sir… sorry, Mr Brian. Please, where can I get the land clearing mower?”

“Land clearing mower you say?”

Jake nodded.

“You have so much guts, you church rat! How dare you ask me for a land clearing mower. What is a poor thing like you meant for? I'll give you an answer in case you don't know. You are made for the hard job and the dirty jobs. I'm sure you haven't set your eyes on that machine before and don't know how to handle it. Remember, this must be done before daybreak. Come, let me show you your second task.”

Jake followed meekly, not daring to do more than breathing. Mr Brian led the way and they entered the house. 

“Walk in front of me, don't touch anything and don't stare. Focus and stop when I tell you to.”

“Yes, Mr Brian.”

Jake did as he was told but with the corner of his eyes, he could see that the interior of the house was way better than the exterior. 

“Stop!” Brian ordered and opened the door at the end of the hall. An exquisite room came in sight. Everything in the room screamed opulence and luxury.

“Clean this room. There's a camera here. Make sure you don't steal anything,” Brian sneered and off he went. 

His departure availed Jake the opportunity to enjoy the view of the room. As someone who had been poor since forever, this was his first and last chance to be in a luxurious room. He made much of the opportunity by feeding his eyes with such glorious sight. 

“I wish I can have this kind of house,” he said to himself. An inner voice that seemed to mock him reminded him that he could barely afford to eat and there was no way he would have that kind of house. He took a deep breath and set to work. 

Jake worked very hard and tirelessly as if his life depended on the work. Well, his life did because that $10000 was the only money he had, even though he hadn't received it. At 8:00 pm, he was done with both the farm and the room. He left the farmland and walked back to the gates of the house which was quite a distance. He was extremely exhausted since he had eaten nothing all day. He only drank some water from the tap near the farmland. On getting to the gate, he saw that it was locked outside. 

Fear flashed across his eyes. 

Has he been played?

He looked around to make sure it was the right house and then, he saw a paper attached to the gate. He opened it and read it.

“Hey Jake. You are late. It's past my working hours. Come back tomorrow morning for your wages. Next time, you will work harder and faster.”

Jake held the paper with trembling hands. He had worked himself out just to get that money and now this was all he got? The man said it was past his work hours. Does it mean that he was just an ordinary employee? 

Jake's stomach rumbled, reminding him that he hadn't had anything to eat since the previous day. If he had a chance to pay back, the first person he would deal with will be Mr Brian for being so callous. 

Jake staggered out of the building. He needed somewhere to eat and lay his head. On his way out of the estate, he met an elderly woman with a kind face. From her attire, it could be stated that she was a cook in one of the houses. She saw how he was walking and pitied him. 

“Here, you can have this. I was going to dispose the expired food but it seems you need it more.”

She smiled warmly and let Jake have the paper bag she was carrying. Jake, who was too weak to talk knelt down and thanked her. 

“Go away. The security should not meet you here.”

Jake managed to get up and find his way out of the estate. He sat down on a block nearby and devoured the expired food like a lion. 

He felt much better after eating the food. He finally had strength and stood up to observe his surroundings. The wind was blowing and he only had his thin clothes that stuck to his skin due to sweat. He had no money so he walked home. By the time he got home, he was slightly wet because it was drizzling. He was happy to be home, time to get some warm clothing and stay in a warm house. With these thoughts in his mind, he rang the doorbell. The door opened and he met three pairs of eyes, staring at him in extreme hostility. Seated in the sitting room was Sky, her sister Josie and their mum. 

Josie was the first to react. She held her nose and shouted.

“You stink. And why are you at the door? I'm surprised you still have the nerves to be here. Get out so that we can breath!”

And to the servant who opened the door, she said,

“Push him out and shut the door!”

Her order was instantly obeyed and Jake found himself outside, under the pouring rain. The rain was pouring heavily as Jake ran blindly under it. He found shelter in front of an uncompleted building but the rain still poured on him regardless. The cold was too much that he nearly passed out. His head spin and he didn't know what happened again. But when he opened his eyes, he was on a soft bed and in a strange room. A smartly dressed young man was pacing about in the room. When he saw Jake's eyes open, he shouted, 

“He's awake! The young master is awake! Thank goodness!”

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