All Steven wants is the entire Hamilton Company! When Harry Hamilton dies, he wants it all to be his.

Steven said again, “I'll give you another $10,000. Harm Diana, or destroy the factory! I want the project to fail!”

“Okay. I'll do it for you.” Botu said, smiling coldly. As long as he was given money, he would do anything.

“I'll wait for your good news,” Steven said.

Then, the two men looked at each other with cold smiles on their faces.


The next day.

Diana and Dixon drove to the factory.

In the car, Diana silently looked at Dixon who was driving.

“Why do you keep looking at me? Have you fallen in love with me?” Dixon smiled. He deliberately said that to tease Diana.

“Nonsense!” Diana hurriedly looked out the car window, as if she had been caught red-handed.

Diana said without looking at Dixon. “Don't you dare be too proud of yourself. My mom has decided to let you stay in our house because she pities you. Because you've been homeless all this time.”

Dixon nodded, then said,
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