"The what now?" Nathan asked confused having totally no clue on what Kelvin was panicking about.

"Listen here Nathan. You and I are gonna walk out of here right now and you would not touch anyone or anything do understand." Kelvin said as he kept trying as much as possible not to freak out.

"Look man you are the one that wanted to be a doctor you should be helping not running away." Nathan said confused.

"I know but trust me. If I was wearing a glove or something to protect me from getting infected I would have done that. But right now this is not a sickness that we wouldn't want to get involved with. We need to go. Now!" Kelvin tried to pull nathan with him but he refused insisting on finding his mother first. Just then he notice the people from his neighborhood including Mrs Smith was sitting on a hospital bed sneezing as blood flow through her nose. Nathan ran toward her.

"Mrs Smith are you okay?" Before Nathan could touch her Kelvin grabbed his hands. "Don't you dare. He told him. Before nathan could say anything someone yelled from the background.

"My teeth! Oh my God! My teeth are falling out." The rest began to groan in pain. Their teeth were falling out including Mrs Smith.

Kelvin drag Nathan with him and ran as fast as possible as he could. If he wasn't sure of the virus before with the teeth falling out he was definitely sure now. Though Nathan tried to pull away but couldn't since Kelvin grip on him was strong. Kelvin phone rang he tried reaching it but his hand was battered by an equipment in the room, he lost his phone.

Nathan looks around, the whole hospital was now in chaos. The infected were now growing a new set of teeth, like the fangs or a snake. Very sharp and quick to cut into human flesh. They were now tearing people apart, feeding on those that has not been infected including children.

The infected were running up and down trying to find their prey. Kelvin called out to Nathan for help, Nathan ran in and met Kelvin about to get sheared. He panicked and had no idea in what to do he froze.

Kelvin's father; the chief commander of the cops had gotten information on everything going on. And his order were to find the uninfected with the indicator he was given. So that they could be shifted to another part of the city before the military get to the hospitals as they would kill anyone on sight.

Before the chief could carry out his command he remembered his son had gone to the central hospital. The thought of him being there while all these was going on freaked him out. Quickly he sent his men out and followed them behind. Continuously he kept calling his son to warn him or at least know that he wasn't in the hospital.

But Kelvin wasn't picking up. He called home and found out that his wife and two kids were at home but Kelvin and Silver; his eldest child was not. His fears were getting the best of him but he still managed to stand tall while giving order.

Reaching the hospital the place was already a disaster. Scanning those that were running out, they managed to recuse few people it was getting dark and the military were getting closer so was the victim of the virus feeding more and more on those they could lay hands on. They speed were equal rate as that of a human, they were now pouring out in numbers with razor teeth.

Tearing people apart, eating them up till it was their bones remaining. The cops all began to retreat as the victim were charging toward them in full force. Even though some of the uninfected were running toward them for help they couldn't help them since the monster were right behind them.

Though the cops tried to shot them, the bullet were only penetrating through them and out. The chief being a brave man stood his ground and was even trying to run towards the hospital. But the military pulled him back.

"My son is in there! I have to save him!" He yelled.

"If you son is in there, forget him; he is already dead chief, i'm sorry but you are going to have to back down now! If you go in there, my man ain't going with you or after you." The lieutenant said.

A young girl about five years old ran toward them. They hesitated from shooting her but that was until she grabbed one of the soldier and bit his leg of while he scream in pain.

She was eating the leg fast and with greed that she didn't notice the Lieutenant walk close to her and digged his dagger right into her chest. Killing her once and for all. The cops were still hanging around while they military surrender the whole place firing guns endless.

"I'm out!"

"Joe forward!"

"Someone call backup!"

"Holy shit! I did not sign up for these!"

"These things are no longer human shoot to kill!. What ever humanity left in them is gone!" The colonel ordered.

"These things ain't human mate, they are monster." The captain concured

"Don't stop firing!"


"Fall back, fall back!!!!"

"Aim toward the building three o'clock!."

"Hell shit, man down! Man down!"


The noise from the bullet, the voice yelling, orders following including the radioactive explosions, everything was happening so fast.

Some building has already started collapsing as a results of being destroying by gun shots and bombs. All the whole motion, all against the creature that kept coming toward them. Lieutenant turned around on time to see another was about to dig it teeth into his neck but he managed to cut the head out on time. But he's only mistake was not finishing it off by digging the chest out when the body felled on the ground. He saw the body wasn't moving he turned to face the rest with assurance that it was over.

"You see that it wasn't so bad after all." The lieutenant laughed.

"Lieutenant! Lieutenant!! Lieutenant!!!"

"What the hell!" The chief cop mutter to himself.

The body that the lieutenant had butchered it head off was now taking another form. The hands of something that looks like an octupous were now crawling out of the body from the opening in the neck.

Before it could crawl out finish it stretch out, grabbed the lieutenant and swallowed him whole. The rest of them close by to the incident were still dumbfounded. Finally it crawled out in it original form.

It has the legs of a human and could stand up straigh except it legs were in a form of thorns. From the looks of it, it's seem like it could run faster than them.

And the hands were like that of an octopus ten of them and slippery. The head was small but the mouth was big, with seven eyes surrounding its head. Ears were pointing out like an elf ears but a bit smaller. When it has completely transformed and the body that hosted it was now laying on the floor but it was only the skin that was left on the ground. Finally It vomited the bones of the lieutenant it had swallowed earlier.

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