The generals assembled again to discuss on how far they have gone in search of the lab, the feedbacks they were getting from all the chief commander were all futile, none of the commander came across the lab. Even after searching the sea, mountains even went underground including caves yet they found nothing.

It was like the laboratory was not even in existence. While checking if there is a place they haven't search yet, a message came through to them, they were notified on the multiple admission of patients in all the hospital, hitting them like a bomb, they knew immediately that the virus has already taken it's effect on the people.

Which means it was released that same day it was stolen, knowing fully well that they have no cure or any lead on getting the cure, they had to calm the citizens down. So they sent their words to the broadcast on what to tell the people, while they decided on what to do with the diseased patients.

"We have to get rid of them. Before it spreads any further." Mr Anthony said.

"What! You are not suggesting that we kill all these people right?" Bernard interrupted him without warning, earning himself a deadly glare from Anthony.

"He is right Ben. As much as I would hate to admit it. Mr Anthony is right, we have to get rid of the disease." Mrs Donovan said.

"You are insane!" Bernard no longer cared about losing his position in the council the whole thing was getting under his nerves and he wasn't the type to keep his anger in check.

"Watch your mouth Bernard!" Mr Gilbert intervene.

"Watch my mouth, more like keep my mouth close and watch you murder the innocent in the name of cleaning the city. If everyone has gotten infected would you also kill them by cleaning the city. Then please go ahead and butcher them all." Ben said missing nothing out.

"Get out of here Bernard Sylvester!" Mr Anthony ordered Ben who was even ready to leave the council. Before Ben could say he was resigning Mr Frederick interrupted him.

"You are not going anywhere Bernard not until we solve these puzzle. And I need everyone to stay calm every opinion is important right now. Lady Macbeth you are the people voice, let hear your opinion, what do you say?" Without looking at Ben, Macbeth agreed with Mr Anthony who smirk at Ben.

"Lady Macbeth..." Ben called out to her calmly.

She now turned to face Ben. "I'm sorry ben, but it's for the best, look around Ben, look around we don't have a cure, not even a lead on getting it. Right now we have absolutely no choice Ben."

"No choice!? oh we have too many choices."

"Please try to understand the matter. We don't have another choice here."

"And the only choice is to kill them all, what about their loved ones."

"I'm the people voice right now, I can speak for the disease, they would want the same thing. Nobody would want their love ones to go through this, do you understand me?"

"Oh I understand you just fine. That killing every infected citizen would solve the problem."

"I'm not saying it would solve the problem, I'm saying it will buy us time to find a cure." Macbeth was now standing on her feet to make Bernard see reasons with her.

"Good a cure, why not pack them up in a prison they can't break free till the cure is found."

"Are you even listening, they only have three days Ben, three days before the virus completely take control of them. By then they would be no saving them. We would be left fighting monster instead."

"What about their loved ones?"

"The choice has to be made they will understand when all of these is over."

"That's still doesn't change a thing, there is always another way."

"The only way is a cure that we do not have neither do we have a lead."

"Enough! Enough both of you." Both Ben and Macbeth were on top of their voice in a hot argument that doesn't seem like it was coming to an end. Someone needed to silence them and the only one that could, was

Mr Frederick the overall authority, who of course intervened.

"Right now we need every hands and opinions we can get on desk, Bernard I understand your feelings for the people, we suggested that they be killed doesn't mean we don't care about them. We are dealing with a deadly virus here with no clue on how to find the cure. I must say I'm with the opinion of killing them all and locking the gate of Zion, who else agrees to these."

"I agree sir" Mrs Davis said.

"Obviously I'm in." Mr Anthony said in mockery.

They all agreed except Bernard who was still insisting that there was another way.

"Who cares about you, not like your opinions matter on this anyway." Mrs Donovan hiss out.

"Right now everyone's opinion matter, Bernard I understand your concern for the people. It already three days since they were infected, it won't be long before they start raging mad. How about these we kill the three days diseased and find you a newly infected to experiment on and find any cure to help us, how about that?" Mr Frederick said waiting for Ben's reply.

Now all attention were now on Bernard who was hesitating for a while before nodding his head agreeing to the terms he was given. But on the condition that they shouldn't hurt the children, rather the children are be brought to him for the experiment. Mr Frederick agreed to that, the order were given immediately, that all the infected should be killed and if they could lay hand on one, they are to bring it straight to the capital for further details.

Frederick dismiss them for the day while they await the outcome of their command. They left with double security than usual. Ben of all people wasn't happy but he knew he had no choice than to follow the order from Frederick. Walking out of the board room Macbeth ran after him and pulled him into an empty office to avoid the drama. At first Ben reaction was rage, he tried to wriggle himself of Macbeth grip.

But Macbeth had always have her effect on him. She managed to get him to calm down and listen to her. The two has been in a relationship for a year now planning on getting married. They understand each other just fine. They had kept it a secret waiting for the rest moments to make it notice to everyone.

"Fine! I'm listening." Though he was still angry with her he couldn't resist listening to her.

"Look Ben I'm sorry, you don't understand this virus." She circled her hands around him to get him looking at her but he didn't.

"Oh really I'm guessing you do then huh!"

"Of course I do or at least I believe I do. After I was selected as one of the general, I was made to go through the histories archives and everything in it. I went through all of that. These disease is not a friendly one Ben. If we have to kill the infection then so be it."

"Oh I see including children, what about the love ones of the victims"

"Ben look at me." Pulling his head to face her. "As much as we hate to do this it has to be done, we don't even have a cure. Once the virus takes the body of the host, there is absolutely nothing we could do to save them. Please Ben understand me."

"Alright I will understand you, when you answer my question. If I was one of the infected would you have also chosen to killed or hide me till you find the cure?" Ben now focus his gaze on his girlfriend.

"I.. I uhh... If I was the infected Ben I would choose you end me before I turn into those monster. I would choose that you run far away from me as possible." Macbeth replied calmly.

"You still haven't answered my question." Ben said, Macbeth only stared into his eyes and was lost of words to say.

"I thought as much." Ben pulled away from her and went straight to the door but before he could walk out, he turned to her and said "just in case you would want to know, if you were infected I would stop at nothing to save you. Even if it takes me my own life I would stop at nothing bethy." He closed the door behind him and left. Bethy was the nickname him calls her whenever he wants to tell her he loves her, which she understood.

Left speechless and confused, Macbeth sat on the desk and pulled her hair backward. Totally confused on what to do.

The military who were left with these orders, they had no choice but to divide themselves in two finding the cure and killing the infected. Though they hesitated to do it, their commander made them understand that the generals have their reasons they agreed to take the order.

The execution were to take place in the night to avoid the people retaliating. All day they prepared themselves as they knew not what they are about to face. The general made sure to inform them to aim for the chest to kill. And what ever they do, they should not cut their heads off. Mr Frederick made sure to repeat these orders to them in order to make they understand him.

"What ever you do, do not cut the heads off. I repeat 'DO NOT CUT THE HEADS OFF'. Aim for the chest and kill once and for all. Don't give it a second chance. Don't miss your target." The commander repeat the exact words of Mr Frederick as he sent his men out.

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