Every special scientist has their own laboratory, their either choose to let you in or not. You can never force your way in. Now locating that lab was now a bit huge problem for them as no one knows where it was. George made sure no one would be able to locate his lab nor find him at work.

To find a cure is to find George lab. The council gave order immediately for the forces and every military holders to send their men out, scouring the town in search of the lab. Orders were given to take upon with immediate effect.

Every chief and commander quickly gave out orders without hesitating. They were to leave no stone unturned and also search the mountains including the sea and ocean. That was how desperate the generals sound when they gave out orders. They also gave order every citizens should be searched.


Nathan woke up the next morning full of energy and intact. He has never enjoyed a very long comfortable sleep since his life. He looks up at the wall clock in Kelvin's room to see it was 12:30 on the dot.

Rubbing his sleepy eye he went down the stairs to found Kelvin in the kitchen reading his book and cooking at the same time on a soft music playing from the sitting room. Nathan wasn't surprise as he already knew Kelvin was a bookworm. He cleared his throat to notify kelvin of his presence.

"Oh hey man. What's up? the food would soon be ready but you can feel free to grab the pancake and the coffee inside the fridge. My mom made that for you in the morning but you weren't waking up any time so she left it there for you."

"Your mom?" Nathan asked surprised.

"Yes my mom. Don't worry Nathan you are family now and she treat all like one."

Nathan grabbed the pancakes and coffee, following kelvin's instruction he heated it up in the microwave before sitting down on one of the long stool around the center table in the kitchen to eat.

"Wow these are very delicious I never taste anything like this before." Nathan complimented.

"Yeah that's my mom for you, she's the best and I'm glad I'm learning from her too." Kelvin felt prouder than ever.

"Why didn't you wake me up when your parents came home last night? I could have gotten to know then better?"

"Yea, you see about that, they were the ones that didn't want to wake you up. They saw how you were sleeping peacefully like a baby and said you needed it. The introduction can hold later." Kelvin pass the pasta he has been making in a modern mud bowel to Nathan.

The aroma was satisfing. Kelvin didn't miss to add lettuce leave and a drumstick of chicken on the pasta, including the green beans he sprinkled on it. Making it more appetizing to the beholder.

"There enjoy your delicious pasta, prepared by your best Chef Kelvin." Kelvin compliment himself as he cleaned his hands with the clean towel around his neck.

He took some of the pasta too for himself. But didn't join nathan immediately because he had to remove his aprons first.

"I can't hide it, you are one hail of a chef." Nathan said when he took one spoon of the pasta.

"Thank you, my first and only customer ever." Kelvin chuckled.

"What! seriously?"

"Yeah seriously but on the contrary you are not a customer though. But it's still feel good."

"If you love cooking so much why not go into cooking and probably become the best chef ever?. Nathan asked."

"Cooking no way. Literally no way. I love cooking as a hobby but being a medical doctor, taking care of people, attending to other people's need is my passion and I'm not giving it up for chef. Nope no way."

"Ok if you say so man. These pasta is really good."

"Thank you. I just love cooking for myself, it the one thing that make me feel home. You know home made foods are the best."

"Yea, you right."

Few minutes later, they were done eating and cleaning up the kitchen. Nathan decided to go back to the hospital and at least give his mother a befitting funeral. Kelvin offered to go with him but he hesitated for a while before agreeing to tag him along, that was after Kelvin had insist he was going with him.

The two took off, but not without telling the father where he was going and what he was going to do. They got to the hospital only to notice more people were being admitted. The emergency seren kept going on and off at the same time as it drive in and drive out. The hospital was already filled with patients leaving no room for more, so some of the newly admitted were made to sit outside. One thing was certain all these patients were all sneezing blood through the nose unending. The boys stood at the entrance of the hospital in bewilderment staring at the whole motion in and out the nurses and doctors run around with patients.

Giving them drip, medicine or oxygen something to help them hold on till everything was figured out.

"This is serious, I feel like these is a contagious virus. Be careful not touch anything or anyone. Till we are sure it not contagious." Kelvin said as he and Nathan tried to push their way through the crowd.

"Yea, noted doctor chef." Nathan agreed with him. As soon as he found the nurse who had attended to his mother, he ran toward her. Her mind were really mess up. So she replied harshly to Nathan to check the morgue before she ran out on him to attend to a little girl that was feeling unconscious out of losing to many blood.

Before Nathan and Kelvin could move from the stand, the nearest television besides them came on. Indicating that all hospital were all ready filled with patients which means there is a virus spread out and everyone was to remain calm till the general figure out what virus is. That was when Kelvin realize himself.

"The virus, the death bringer, it has been released again."

The what? Confused Nathan asked.

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