By noon the following day, Nathan was raging mad in anger. His mother died before sunset. And the only thing he could think of was why didn't the generals help him, why did the Fredrick's son delay him from finding another solution for his mother.

Totally filled with anger and hatred he lost himself in the process. At these points the only thing in his mind was taking it out on the generals, though he had nothing in mind on how to do it, but that didn't stop him from going to the capital.

No plans on how to get in, not even on what he was going to do to them or how he was even going to do it. He wasn't thinking straight. His anger and hatred had clouded his mind, nothing was clear to him.

He patiently waited through the queue till his turn. The security didn't let him in as there was no ID on him. He was requested to walk out but he refused. He tried picking a fight with them before Kelvin came to his rescue.

Kelvin showed his own ID to the security claiming Nathan was his brother and had just returned to town from a trip.

"I suggest you keep him in check boy." The leader of the security let them in.

They went through the mental detector, and the explosion trace detector before being let into the capital. That has always been the routine everyday. Even to get to class you would be needing your ID as the door was coded. Each student ID has a label which indicate your level and where you should or shouldn't be.

"What the heck is wrong with you Nathan? challenging the security. Very bad idea." Kelvin said when he pulled Nathan aside.

"I don't care Kelvin, I need to get up there, I need to talk to them. How could they do this to me. Why are they heartless like these huh? I thought the refugees are their responsibility."

Kelvin chuckled. "Are you even listening to yourself? you have totally lost your mind. Okay let's say you were able to get in there then what? What are you going to do to them. Beat them or wait have a wonderful conversation with them, well good luck trying that."

Nathan regaining himself, went by a paved ground and sat down. He cried "I'm all alone Kelvin I don't have any where else to go. My mom was all I had left."

"Hey you have me now. Besides I told my dad about you he said you should feel free to come stay with us if you want. We still have more rooms to spare."

Having made nathan calm down, he skip class for the day and took Nathan home. He took his bath and changed into a more comfortable clothes Kelvin gave him. Kelvin allowed him to make use of his own bed to rest after he had finished eating the left overs in the fridge.


The councils were now holding another meeting to discuss on how to handle the matter at hand without freaking out. The thought of the virus being in a wrong hand brings them the memories of their childhood. Most of these generals were older than they look.

They had managed to survive then with the help of their greatest scientists Mr George L'Amour. One of the very best scientist who came in contact with the virus and wasn't infected. He was able to clear out the virus and save those that were still able to be saved.

Now it has fallen on them and none of them knew how to even react. They were given their opinion one after the other, but mostly it was on how george didn't get infected and how he was able too provide an antidote.

"What is this virus, how does it react on human nature, how does it even work. Do we even know anything on these virus?" A confused Ben asked.

"The virus was named the 'THE DEATH-BRINGER'. It consumes human body by first making its the host. Once infected, you only have 72hours to live and find antidote. If you are able to get it on time you are good to live if not, you're another vessel for a monster." Macbeth replied calmly.

"The medication we have can't sustain the people much longer before we could find a cure." Mrs Donovan added to the matter at hand. All the conversation were leading them no way. Some suggestions on how to trace back and find it while the rest were suggesting it would be best to try finding the cure before the effects starts. They had no choice but to believe that the virus has already been released and finding the cure should be their priority now.

"Your attention please generals. I want to believe that we are in a crisis that needs an immediate attention. First this virus which is now clear to me isn't a friendly one. I say who ever took it has already released it to the surface. How about we focus on getting the antidote so as to prepare ourselves for the worst." Bernard interrupted them.

"I agree with Bernard we should focus on the cure, ready and prepare for the worst." Macbeth said.

They went silent for awhile taking in the moment. Seeing that they have no clue on who or what took it, including the fact on how it was taken left them no choice but to focus on the cure instead of trying to dig back. According to history Mr George L'Amour was the only scientist who didn't get infected along side with his collegue and he managed to get a cure for it. Now how did he get the cure? That was a mystery left for them to find.

"I believe we could find something in his lab, if only we can locate where it is." Anthony reminds them of George's lab. One he never let's one in or near it.

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