All Chapters of BLOOD OF THE FIRST MEN: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
13 chapters
Nathan! Nathan! A low and quiet voice called out from the inner room. Laying down on the only wooden bed in the room, weak and pale to the bone, was Nathan's sick mother. A part of her face was burned, making it impossible to recognise her. Obviously, the wooden bed was the only good thing in the room. The ceiling wasn't properly patched up, nor was the window helping out with the cold weather. Not to even mention part of the room that was leaking. Nathan ran in as soon as he heard his mother coughing horribly. It was as if the sickness was only getting worse instead of better. Running in, he stops abruptly on the door, though there wasn't any door there. A thorny piece of cloth was used as a shed in the room. Nathan took a deep breath, cleaned his tears, and then went in smiling to comfort his mother. "Hey mom, how are you doing?" He smiled down at her, grabbed her right palm, and kissed it. He gently placed his mother's palm on his cheek as she caressed him. "You are the best
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He didn't study in school, but his English was still good and decent. And that is because his mom helped him study any abandoned test book he picks up on the road or in the dustbin. Taking Nathan to her backyard, she showed him what he was to do. And she told him she was paying him 20 dollars for it. "But Mrs. Smith, the...? "Ma'am". Mrs. Smith interrupted him. "Yes, ma'am, but the yard is way too big for 20 dollars. It should be 50 dollars, ma'am." Nathan tried to reason with her, even though he knew there was no chance of her changing her mind."Are you doing it or not, Nathan? I have better things to do. Than to stand here with you all day.""Fine, I will do it, but can you add a bit of money to it? "Excuse me""Nothing, Mrs. Smith I mean, ma'am." Can I get the field machine so as to be fast?" Nathan asked."First of all, I don't have that; even if I do, why should I give it to you? I am paying you twenty dollars, which is too much for this little field. And yet you are demand
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In one of the biggest hospital in Zion. Nathan was seen talking to one of the doctors who was in charge of his mother. He was lucky enough to flag down a cab after many trials. He had carried his mother down the roads of Froberg. None of the taxi drivers agreed to stop and help him but he still never gave up he carried his mother on his back and continued to walk down the street. Still trying his luck with the cab as he kept trying to stop them. Finally one agreed to stop and carry him. Driving him straight to the city hospital collected from him the last money he had from the twenty dollars and took off. "I'm sorry nathan but there is nothing I can do here. I'm just a doctor doing my job. Your mother had a cancer of the heart and you didn't bother bringing her here soon enough. Now we can only offer her an oxygen machine to breathe on." The doctor said. "Then give her the oxygen. She is all I have I can't lose her now please." Nathan pleaded with the doctor. "It's not free
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"I'm actually in a hurry, i don't plan on wasting time kelvin, I'm Nathan L'Amour by the way." Nathan introduce himself feeling happy that someone was actually talking to him for the first time. "Wait did you just said L'Amour, like the L'Amour of all time. No way bro!" kelvin laugh and change his facial expressions to a serious one. "Seriously bro what's your full name?""Nathan L'Amour and what funny about it? what do you even mean by L'Amour of all time?" Nathan was now a bit uncomfortable with kelvin. "Hey man relax, don't tell me you haven't heard the story of the L'Amour's the greatest ever known." Kelvin said immediately he noticed nathan discomfort. They were heading back to his home not far from were he bump into nathan. "What about the L'Amours? What their story?" Nathan was now too curious to know more. "Are you from the community outside the city?""Yes." Nathan replied. "No wonder you were clueless to everything here in the city. Here help me with my books." Kelv
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All of the general's had gathered together in the board room for a meeting on their next move in the capital. The Capital wasn't only just the tallest building in the city but also the heart of the city. Nothing happens in the city without an official order from the generals. While they were discussing on how to upgrade the system, the leader of the security guards interrupted them. Explained to them how urgent it was that made him interrupt their meeting. But when he mentioned the name L'Amour they all went silence. "Did you just said L'Amour?" One of the generals asked. "Yes sir." The guard replied. They stared at each other then back at the guard. The generals consist of eight men and four women who put head's together to protect the city and it's inhabitants. Each of these twelve have their roles to play in the city. Mr Fredrick the first general was in charge of giving the final order. The city was mostly under his command. His order is always the final one. The second in
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"Ladies, Gentleman please clam down let it not be a common boy came in here claiming the name L'Amour is causing you all the trouble." Everybody settled down on hearing his voice. "Now boy either say something or I ordered you be thrown out of the building now. You have one minute." Fredrick said. Nathan became even more scared but he knew he had to say something before he get kick out and that would be a shame to have come there without success. "Sir, it's my mother, she dying I need your help please." "And what made you think we would help?" Fredrick asked. "Actually she asked me to talk to Mr Luke. She said you would know her and you can help.""I..." Before Mr Luke could get a word out of his mouth Fredrick interrupted. "He is not helping, you should go now." Fredrick ordered. Everybody turned to look at him. "But sir these is my mother I'm begging you help me please. Please sir, I'm begging you all help me, I shall forever remain in your debt. My mother is all I have I
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"Hey man come on walk fast." Simon called out to nathan who was way behind him. He wasn't even making any attempt to walk fast. "Mhmm about that how long are we gonna take? Because I need to go back to my mother as soon as possible." Nathan said trying to get simon to say exactly where they were going. "Man you need the f**king money or not?. Simon asked, pissed off by Nathan's clumsiness. "I need it but I'm equally worried about my mother. I don't even know you or where you are taking me." Nathan caught up with him. "Relax ok we are already there, just two turns from here we get to the other side of the city, it much easier to trade there." Simon said and pulled him along. He light a cigarette and offered nathan who refused him. They finally made it to the other side of the city which wasn't exactly what we could be called beauty. It was like a dump arena. Abandoned by the generals who didn't care about anything but themselves. The whole place was a mess, the smell
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Normally some officers would have stops him but they already knew who he was and how playful he can be. So they all chat friendly with him as he pass by heading toward his father office. Kelvin already knew it won't be easy to convince his father but yet he was willing to try. "Hey daddy, how are you doing?" Kelvin being nervous tried his best to be his normal self. "Hi son you shouldn't be here." Mr Michael said without rising his head. "Yeahhhhh daddy." he smirked. "About that you are holding the wrong person daddy. Mmm I was hoping if you could consider for a bit. You know." Now these surely got Kelvin's father's attention. He raised his head slowly from his computer to look at his son who was nervously gazing around the room. And the only words that could come out of his mouth were. "Go home son." Kelvin's father wasn't a harsh man when it comes to his children and that made it easier for Kelvin to communicate with his father. "Hey daddy look, I'm sounding crazy but I'm
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By noon the following day, Nathan was raging mad in anger. His mother died before sunset. And the only thing he could think of was why didn't the generals help him, why did the Fredrick's son delay him from finding another solution for his mother. Totally filled with anger and hatred he lost himself in the process. At these points the only thing in his mind was taking it out on the generals, though he had nothing in mind on how to do it, but that didn't stop him from going to the capital. No plans on how to get in, not even on what he was going to do to them or how he was even going to do it. He wasn't thinking straight. His anger and hatred had clouded his mind, nothing was clear to him. He patiently waited through the queue till his turn. The security didn't let him in as there was no ID on him. He was requested to walk out but he refused. He tried picking a fight with them before Kelvin came to his rescue. Kelvin showed his own ID to the security claiming Nathan was his brother
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Every special scientist has their own laboratory, their either choose to let you in or not. You can never force your way in. Now locating that lab was now a bit huge problem for them as no one knows where it was. George made sure no one would be able to locate his lab nor find him at work. To find a cure is to find George lab. The council gave order immediately for the forces and every military holders to send their men out, scouring the town in search of the lab. Orders were given to take upon with immediate effect. Every chief and commander quickly gave out orders without hesitating. They were to leave no stone unturned and also search the mountains including the sea and ocean. That was how desperate the generals sound when they gave out orders. They also gave order every citizens should be searched. **** Nathan woke up the next morning full of energy and intact. He has never enjoyed a very long comfortable sleep since his life. He looks up at the wall clock in Kelvin's room
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