All of the general's had gathered together in the board room for a meeting on their next move in the capital. The Capital wasn't only just the tallest building in the city but also the heart of the city. Nothing happens in the city without an official order from the generals. While they were discussing on how to upgrade the system, the leader of the security guards interrupted them. Explained to them how urgent it was that made him interrupt their meeting. But when he mentioned the name L'Amour they all went silence.

"Did you just said L'Amour?" One of the generals asked.

"Yes sir." The guard replied.

They stared at each other then back at the guard. The generals consist of eight men and four women who put head's together to protect the city and it's inhabitants. Each of these twelve have their roles to play in the city.

Mr Fredrick the first general was in charge of giving the final order. The city was mostly under his command. His order is always the final one. The second in command Mr Anthony, Mr Fredrick's second hand and advisor. His roles to play in the counsel wasn't that much.

But law demands his presence there and no one dare to question that. Products of any kinds were under the command of Mr Frank. No products can be sold in the market without his command and if any were to found in the city. It considered illegal and punishable before law.

Mrs Davis was in charge of the inhabitants of Zion and their well-being.

Mr Raymond was in charge of export and import from other countries around.

Mrs Donovan was in charge of medications the people healthy was her priority. So on and fourth the rest of the general had their duty to obligate to.

"Are you insane?" Mr Anthony asked.

"No sir." The guard answer bowing his head to show no disrespect.

"Get lost before I lose it on you." Mr Frank ordered.

"Yes sir." The guard left before he could provoke them any more than he has already done. Before he gets to the door he heard them said to each other.

"He most be stupid to think any of the L'Amour is still alive after everything." Getting back to position he ordered that nathan enter the elevator and leave.

Nathan tried reasoning with them as tears roll of his eyes, explaining to them how his mother's condition was critical. But the guard's weren't listening. Someone came across but stop when he noticed how desperate nathan was.

"Okay gentlemen that enough let me hear from the poor boy. what your name boy?" The man ask.

"I.. I'm I'm nathan, Nathan L'Amour." Nathan stuttered while trying to wriggle himself out of the guards hold.

For a second the man went silenced, he examined nathan thoroughly before asking again. What your father's name?.

"Actually sir I don't know he died before I was born I don't know much about him"

Do you know when he died?

"No! that I know nothing of. My mother never told me anything"

"Her name?" The man asked almost immediately.

"Rose L'Amour, she told me I could find someone here that could help us.. her I mean." He cleaned his tears and continue. "One of the Generals Luke Bryan. Please I need to see him as quickly as possible. My mother's life is stake."

"Your mother's name was rose. Ok fine I would help you get to Mr Luke on one condition"

"Anything Sir!"

"You will go through the security process so we know we you're clean."

"Yes sir"

He was scanned through thoroughly before he was allowed in. He lead him straight through the hall way. They made two turns to the right and then straight ahead to the main counselling meetings were the generals where.

"I'm Bernard by the way, Bernard Sylvester but you can call me Ben. Your mother's name reminds me of someone but that's was years ago so I don't think she could still be... You know the same person." Ben said.

"Sir I do... " Nathan said.

"Ben I don't think you know my mom." Nathan replied not really wanting to talk about his mother.

"You're gonna have to wait here so I can confront the members before letting you in." Ben said.

Then got to the board room, left him for five minutes then opened the door and called him in. The servants in the room and all the assistance were asked to leave. Nathan was made to stand in the middle of the big round table and state his business with Luke.

A short old man who sitting at the edge of the table which means his rank wasn't like the rest he was lowest commander. And was in charge of farm process he makes sure everything was in order and reach it right destination.

"Good day sir. My name uh..m Nathan... Nathan L'Amour and my mother is Rose L'Amour I wanted to.... Uh" Nathan was obviously nervous and was stuttering, making the generals lose their patience with him.

"Look here young man, if you have something to say I suggest you say it quick, we all have something else to do and if you're down then save us the time by stepping outside now." Mr Anthony wasn't the patient type he was already losing his mind on everything going on.

"I'm pretty sure we can spare him some time Mr Anthony. Besides not everybody gets to speak with the generals, he is just nervous." Lady Macbeth said in defense of Nathan. Lady Macbeth was the last lady in authority among the generals. She represents on minor cases in the city. She was the people's voice.

"Then he should have thought about that before coming here." Mr Frank said.

"I believe lady Macbeth is right we should allow the boy to talk." Mrs Davis intervened.

"Are you saying we should wait here all day waiting for a nervous boy that can't speak with the generals because he's nervous. Well gladly Mrs Davis looks like I got better things to do." Mrs Donovan was now getting piss off. An argument with about to erupt but Fredrick step in on time.

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