"I'm actually in a hurry, i don't plan on wasting time kelvin, I'm Nathan L'Amour by the way." Nathan introduce himself feeling happy that someone was actually talking to him for the first time.

"Wait did you just said L'Amour, like the L'Amour of all time. No way bro!" kelvin laugh and change his facial expressions to a serious one. "Seriously bro what's your full name?"

"Nathan L'Amour and what funny about it? what do you even mean by L'Amour of all time?" Nathan was now a bit uncomfortable with kelvin.

"Hey man relax, don't tell me you haven't heard the story of the L'Amour's the greatest ever known." Kelvin said immediately he noticed nathan discomfort. They were heading back to his home not far from were he bump into nathan.

"What about the L'Amours? What their story?" Nathan was now too curious to know more.

"Are you from the community outside the city?"

"Yes." Nathan replied.

"No wonder you were clueless to everything here in the city. Here help me with my books." Kelvin said dividing the books in two making nathan carry half of it.

"What does the name L'Amour has to do with me?"

"With you absolutely nothing." Kelvin laughs out again.

"Sorry it just too hilarious you being the last L'Amour ain't no way dude. Because if you were the last L'Amour you would have been riding in the latest car a mansion of your own. That's a long detail, bro the short info is; the L'Amours were not just great, they were powerful and the richest here in Zion. They even built the capital it's self, so trust me there is no way you are the last one." Kelvin scoffs.

"Whatever where are we going?" Nathan asked.

"My house; to get you some good clothes, if you want the security to let you in. The capital is not a place you can just walk in and walk out, without the security procedure. It wasn't like these before though, my father told me the city was a great one in the reign of great L'Amour may his soul rest in peace." Kelvin stop to observe a peaceful moment of sorrow for the great.

"Yeah may his soul rest in peace." Nathan replied mindlessly as he didn't know who their mourning was for.

"Can we go now? I'm kinda in a hurry." He interrupted the mourning Kelvin.

"Dude relax. okay? come stroll with me. My home is just down the road and don't be afraid I'm not a monster or a kidnapper. I'm just a guy trying to offer you clothing so chill."

Together they stroll down the lane to kelvin home. He kept talking over and over without talking a break. Which made nathan more comfortable with him. There in the community no body wanted to have anything to do with them.

So he hardly had anyone to talk to. Finally they arrived at Kelvin's home, a one storey building and nobody was at home at the moment. They had all taken off early hours of the morning. Opening the door with his own spare key, kelvin led nathan straight to his room.

Nathan couldn't stop admiring the house for a second he never knew what it felt like to live in a place like that.

"Here wear that one, I'm pretty sure it your size."

Nathan took the clothes and went to the changing room using kelvin direction. While he was changing nathan ask him.

"Hey man what were you doing in Zion all alone anyway?"

"I wasn't alone. I brought my mum to one of the hospital here in Zion. I need them to commence her treatment that why I was looking for the capital. She told me someone there might help." Nathan replied while coming out.

"She told you someone there might help, well she better be telling the truth because those men are too heartless to help anyone."

"Actually she didn't say exactly that they would help I insisted on trying my luck, she dieing on me and I can't let her die." Nathan said remember the look on his mother face when he left her.

"What! And you are still here why didn't you tell me all these while? We are wasting time here while your mum is dieing." Kelvin pulled nathan out with him picking his books along side, while running he said to nathan.

"I don't know what made you think they would help but it fine by me to try your luck first. Your mum needs it now more than ever."

"Thanks kelvin, for your hospitality. I have never had anyone to talk to like these for years back at the community people avoided me and my mum for a reason I don't even know."

"Chill bro you have me now, we are friends okay just call me anytime." They ran all the way to the capital on arrival they joined the queue till it got to their turn.

"There, take the elevator upstairs to the ninth floor tell them you are here for the generals. You can give them any of the name your mother gave you. I need to hurry back to class so best luck." Kelvin waved him bye and left.

Following kelvin's instruction he got to the ninth floor, coming face to face with four huge security guards on masks. Before he could say a word they interrupted him.

"Are you lost kid take the elevator back down to the first floor and follow the map it would led you straight to class." One of them tried to push him back into the elevator without listening to him. So he had no choice but to yell out.

"I'm Nathan L'Amour my mum Rose L'Amour, she sent me here to meet the generals for help, they know her please talk to them first, my mum is dieing I need their help please. Nathan shouted breathlessly.

The guard pause for a moment look at Nathan for some minute and went back. They whispered some words. One of them turned back to nathan and said. "Are you sure about what you are saying kid?"

"Yes please I just need to talk to them please."

"Fine wait here." One of the guards left. He interrupted the meeting the generals where having and said. "I'm sorry sir they is a kid outside seeking your audience. His name is Nathan L'Amour, I believe he said his mother sent him to you her name Rose L'Amour."

The generals were angry he interrupted their meeting but when they heard L'Amour they gasped in awe.

"Did you say L'Amour?" One of them asked

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